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Well here I am, 10 pm on November 7th, standing in a circle with three other boys at the mall. November 7th.

This is a huge step for me, and kevin senses it, giving me reassuring looks and smiles once in a while.

the mall is basically empty, street lights are on, tired employees in the stores, practically free to do whatever we want. Chanhee is dressed fashionably while the rest of us resorted for comfort.

Currently standing by the mall entrance, Changmin has the map of all the stores open on his phone, arguing with Chanhee about which one to go in first.

"But the burberry store is all the way on the other side, so we should go to lotte mart first!" Changmin says.
"You're just stalling from taking part in the bet we made!" Chanhee stomps his feet.
"No I'm not!" Changmin argues.
"You so are!"

I start spacing out at Kevin's checkered vans as the adrenaline from earlier wears off. Why did I agree to come here? It's cold and I came out to socialize on this day? What was I thinking?

My legs shiver because I'm wearing shorts and it's november- I really need to get some brain cells one day.

"What did my shoes ever do to you?" Kevin jokes, snapping me out of my thoughts as I realized I was glaring at his vans. I lift my head to look at him, he wears his goofy smile but worried eyes.
"Oh, sorry," I mumble.

"Haha it's fine, you all good?" kevin asks quietly as the other two boys continue their feud.
"I think so" I say, half trying to convince myself.

Kevin nods and turns to chanhee and changmin, "That's it! We're going to Burberry then making our way back here when we're done" kevin decides, dragging us all further into the mall.

Chanhee and Changmin settle down eventually and go into the Burberry store.

"This might take a while." Changmin says to Kevin and I, as chanhee starts searching through the store. "He likes to take his time or he'll get mad. So you two can go to a different store just text us where to meet you"

"Ah okay," Kevin says and Changmin is dragged by a happy chanhee further into the shop.

"Is that good with you?" Kevin asks me.
"Sure" we walk together a bit around the mall before entering a Chuu clothing pop up store.

The store is empty except for a bored looking cashier and another middle age guy.

It feels awkward walking around here with Kevin. I'm afraid to pick anything out in fear of being judged. Not to mention it's dead silent in the large store.

Kevin doesn't seem to mind as he starts humming and looking through various clothes.

"You gonna pick anything out?" Kevin asks.

"I'm not sure" I say.

"Can I pick something for you?" He asks

"If you want," I say.

I stay close to Kevin as he searches the store for anything. I accidentally make eye contact with the middle aged guy that's in the store and he smiles widely at me. I have a natural rbf so when he sees that I'm not smiling back at him the guy turns to a frown and says "tch" before walking to a different aisle.

"What was that about?" Kevin asks, who heard the guy tch.
"No idea" I shrug.

Finally he picks out a white crop fitted top with a graphic picture of a moon crescent. He picks a matching sweatshirt for himself.

I quickly go into the dressing room and i slip on the shirt, when I come out Kevin is sitting on a nearby waiting couch adjusting the hood on his sweatshirt.

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