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We stand at the front door where I can already hear super loud music and colorful lights bouncing out the windows. A few groups of people are sprawled in the front yard as well, drinking and smoking and talking.

Kevin takes my hand in his and we walk into the large house. As soon as we enter, the music gets 10 times louder, but its still a struggle to hear the songs over the hundred students talking and shouting and singing with each other. Pretty much everyone carries a red cup, and I cling onto Kevin's hand tighter as we navigate through the room packed with half or full drunk teens.

"Hey Kevin!"

My head turns at a shout.

"Oh, hey," Kevin says to a boy approaching us. He seems to be a grade younger by his use of honorifics, and he looks too kind to be at this party.

"I've been meaning to talk to you, I was thinking about joining the peer first responders thing, can you tell me and my friends about it?" The boy asks nicely.
"Oh!" Kevin smiles at him, but he turns to look at me.

"Go, go!" I urge him. "You don't have to stick with me, go have fun!"

"I'd love to," Kevin says to the boy. "Thanks babe, text me if you need anything and I'll come find you later," he kisses my cheek and walks away with the boy.
Within two seconds they disappear into the sea of people, and I turn around, but Changmin and Chanhee are already gone.

Oh. I guess I'm all alone at this huge stuffy party.

I walk further into the house into who knows what room, and people don't look back at me as they bump shoulders or nearly knock me over.
Eventually I find an empty seat on a couch to recover a bit.

I sit down and survey my surroundings, it's nice that most people ignore me so that I don't have to talk, but I also feel so alone and awkward seeing friend groups dancing and having fun around me.

Someone sits next to me with a huff and I slowly turn my head.

"Oh? Sunhee! What a coincidence!" Seohye says with a bright smile. She has a drink in her hand too, but it doesn't look like she drank much.

"Hello," I say, not sure if I should be worried to see her, since she is the one who got my phone number at the same time I got the anonymous text that got a bucket of water fallen on my head.

"You look cute today! How've you been? I heard it didn't go over well with sunwoo?" She says, sitting directly next to me.

"Ahh, no, but uh thanks anyway," I say, trying to avoid eye contact. Suddenly a few of Seohye's other friends including Anna are sitting around me as well, and I feel  more trapped than before. Most of them are half dressed, half wearing swimsuit tops or bottoms and regular clothes.

They start chatting as if we're all great friends, and I start wondering why they're sitting here with me.

A boy joins us as well, he's pretty tall and average looking, but lacking in fashion sense.

"That's Anna's cousin," Seohye whispers to me and I nod.

The boy introduces himself as Dohyeon. "Here" he shoves a red cup in my hand with some sort of clear liquid in it.

"Is this alcoholic?" I ask, to which the other girls laugh.

"Just a bit, since we're minors its mostly fizzy water," Anna says with a glint in her eye.
"Anyway don't worry about it! Just let loose and have funnn," Seohye elbows me.

With everyone staring at me, I raise the cup to my mouth and I take a small sip.
It actually doesn't taste too much like alcohol, so I don't mind it.

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