Alcina Breaking Up With You Pt1

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It was storming rapidly outside as I lit up my cigarette stick to calm down after dancing with my drega mea. I couldn't be more happier having to spend time with my beloved.

The phone rang suddenly as I blew away the smoke, taking another puff and blew before sitting down and picked it up. "Mother Miranda." She was at it again with the ceremony. Like if I'd care one bit about the hell of that event. "And more thing, Alcina. I suggest you break that relationship up right now or else I'll have her served to the lycans." "Mother Miranda!" "Served it is." "No! I...understand..the importance of the ceremony is more than my relationship..." "Very well."

I sighed hanging up and looked at my reflection in the mirror seeing a tear down my cheek. Quickly wiping it off, I dialed her number. I can't. She picked up almost immediately, "Alcina! Hello! Would you like to join your daughters and I's tea party at Cassandras bedroom?" Just listen how joyious her voice is...she's dearing and sweet, I don't want to break her heart.."No my...No. Our relationship is off. We're over." "Wait Alcina what do you mean!?-" I couldn't bare to listen to her voice crack..even if I didn't I know she's crying hurt and all because I had to.

Trust me sweet heart I didn't want to either...I'll love you from a distance..

I'll love you from a distance

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