xviii. water balloons

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After I woke up, I realized that Hermione wasn't in bed. The sun hardly shined over the trees meaning it was still early morning, barely daybreak. I reckoned since Hermione wasn't in bed, neither was Harry or Ron. There are only a few places they'd run off to, quietly: Hagrid's cottage, The Forest, or the Owlery.

The more I stayed at Hogwarts, the less I remembered things about the Harry Potter books I've read. My mind drew blanks and the little information I had didn't make much sense, almost as if I was experiencing things for the first time all over again.

Over the last couple of months, Dumbledore and I had been talking; whether it over tea or just random visits. The more we spoke, the more we realized that my purpose in their timeline is uncertain but I did have a purpose. Apparently, I'd get a sign.

Deciding their disappearance was nothing, I made my way down to the common room to see it completely empty. It had only taken thirty minutes for the trio to quietly come back.

"Yeah?" I laughed, causing them to jump. They hadn't expected me. "Where've you guys been?"

"Owlery," Harry nodded. "It's nearly eight, wanna go to breakfast?"

"Sure," I said, putting my slippers back on and following the three out of the portrait hole.

"So, tell me, Charlotte," Hermione sat in her seat next to me, "is there a reason why I had to find out from Fred and George that you turn fifteen tomorrow?"

Choking on my apple cider, I look over to Hermione who had a devilish look on her face. Harry and Ron looked at each other and glared at me.

"How come you didn't tell us?" Ron asked.

"We've been trying to ask you for weeks and yet you ever spilt," Harry shook his head.

"How did they find out?" I asked once I stopped coughing.

"Little birds through the grapevine, Charlotte," George popped up to my left.

"Never keep a secret from us," Fred popped up on my right.

"Really now?" I tried. "Well, you better not plan anything. I'm not a birthday person."

"Then you've never partied with us."

"We're the best at them," George added.

"I hope you know, I know everything; so no funny business!" I shouted, trying not to laugh.

Now that I came to think of it, I don't think I've ever woken up scared on my birthday. Feeling uneasy, my body started to wake up before my mind could function. My eyes teared at the great yawn I gave out. What I didn't expect was my entire room, along with Harry, Ron, and Fred and George, to be standing at the foot of my bed in the early morning. Seven pairs of eyes quietly stared at me as I screamed bloody murder.

"Happy Birthday!" they chorused.

My mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water, I was completely at a loss for words. "W-what time is it?" I stuttered.

"Almost seven in the morning, why do you sleep so long?" Fred laughed.

"Why do I— It's only seven in the morning, why would I be awake?"

"We're awake," Ron shrugged.

"You guys are psychos," I yawned.

Shaking my head, I gave everyone a large hug. Although I wasn't close with Lavender or Parvati, they still were awake and said Happy Birthday to me.

Harry suggested that we move our little party to the common room being that the room started to feel crowded with everyone in it. Downstairs was beautiful. Little purple and white streamers hung from the ceiling and on the centre table sat a plate of little cinnamon rolls.

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