the party

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    Chihiro could see his house off in the distance and went his separate way from the two boys. his dad was probably still at work, so he had some time to himself luckily. he grabbed the key out of his pocket and unlocked the door. sighing with relief at finally being home. he kicked off his shoes and flopped himself onto the couch. he groaned loudly when he heard his ringtone, he couldn't possibly know who would call him besides his dad. he looked at his phone seeing that it was an unknown number. 


"what's up! its Miu, the beautiful blond girl that was nice enough to invite you to her party."

"oh, hey Miu...about your party I-"

"you better not be ditching small tits!"

"sm-small what?...No its not that I'm ditching it, I just don't have a ride there, and I'm pretty sure its too far to walk"

"Shit really? Is that all. You could have just asked me to take you. send me your address and ill pick you up later."

"Really? Thanks"

"Yeah yeah, and wear something nice"

"Y-yeah! I will"

"M'kay small tits. Bye"

"Could you stop calling me tha-" before he could continue she had hung up on him. Chihiro ran up to his closet, he didn't exactly know if he had any cloths that would work for a party. He had an idea...but he didn't know if it would work.

He sneaked off into his mothers room, she usually wasn't homes since she worked quite a lot. Usually off at meetings, conferences, or business trips. No matter what it was, she just usually wasn't home....

Chihiro looked through his mothers cloths and found something perfect to wear. It was simple, it was a black dress, it wasn't too short and it looked to show off what would be cleavage if he had any. So he decided he would wear a white long sleeves under it, just to play it safe. 

He went back too his room and put it on. He looked in the mirror...he had got a new one, after...what happened with his last one. He thought the dress was pretty, he looked so pretty wearing it.....but it wasn't.. him. it didn't feel like him, it didn't look like looked like some girl...he wasn't a girl...he was a boy, he liked being a boy. But he needed to do this. He can't just back out now. And god...if anyone found out....he would be dead. Absolute dead, and he just wanted to make it through high school.

Hours later, Chihiro heard a knock on the door. When he opened it Kokichi busted in.

"What's up cheerio! You ready?"  Kokichi said grabbing his sleeve.

"O-oh, hello Kokichi-"

"Yeah yeah, hello, let's go!"

"Okay-"  Kokichi dragged him by the sleeve to Miu's car. Kokichi sat in the front seat and Chihiro took a seat in the back.

"You virgins ready to go?" Miu stated nonchalantly while starting up the car.

Chihiro was silent most of the car ride, but even with that it was filled with loud music and the two up front either screaming along to it, or screaming at each other. It was just utter chaos, chihiro already felt exhausted, he couldnt imagine what he would feel like once he actually went to the part.

But finally they got there, and it already seemed to had started. They walked in and chihiro was bombarded with diffrent collored lights, Miu had smacked l.e.d's everywhere, hey seemed to be in those spots temporarily though. In the kitchen was an array of soda, and a big punch bowl. This seemed like fun. There was loud music blasting in the house. The atmosphere was quite overwhelming...but he was gonna have fun, even if he had to force himself too.

Chihiro made his way into the kitchen to make himself some punch. He grabbed a plastic cup, and poured some in. He was about to take a sip when he heard.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you"

Chihiro recognized it, and looked over to see mondo. He looked diffrent. He wasnt wearing his normal leather jacket with the design on it. He was just in a black t-shirt and some jeans. And his pompadour was even down. He looked much more...relaxed maybe? No..he seemed tense, he just looked more natural.

"Oh, hey mondo!...and..why not?"

"Ita spiked..I know miu, I mean if you like alcohol go ahead, no ones stopping you. Just giving you a heads up, thats all" mondo smiled, before grabbing himself a cup and poured orange soda in it.

Chihiro looked at his drink before dumping it back into the bowl and throwing it away and grabbing a diffrent cup to pour some cola in.

"Thanks for warning me...that could of ended badly."

"Oh God, the first time I attended one of these parties I had no clue and eneded up drinking way too much. That was the worst hang over of my fucking life"

Chihiro laughed along with him, he didnt expect to have fun, but talking to mondo sure did make this experience more enjoyable. "Is kiyotaka here with you?"

"Oh God no, poor guy would have a fucking heart attack if he saw this,and especially if he knew there was alcahol....but leon is, he's over there talking with makoto" mondo pointed out of the kitchen, to the red head and brunette laughing along with eachother on the couch.

Chihiro just nodded taking a drink of his soda when in came, luminary of the stars.

"Oh hello there momota!" Chihiro said happily.

"Hey chihiro, sup, either of you seen my sidekick? I came here with him. But he dont seem to be around."

", I haven't seen him. Is he alright?"

"He doesn't really do well with parties, but he wanted to come with me. I just wanna make sure he's okay"

"Awwe, you care about him" mondo teased.

"Oh shut up!"  Kaito playfully punched mondo in the arm before leaving to go look for shuichi. 

They both hoped the boy was alright, but nothing too bad could have happened.

"Im honestly surprised you came..." mondo took a drink of orange soda before setting his drink on the counter and sitting up on by the sink.

"Oh, well I've never been to a party before, and thought it might be I came. I never really thought somthing like this would be your scene either."

"It isnt..miu is just a persistent little shit. I dont even know why she wants me here. Her girlfriend fucking hates me"

"Her girlfriend? Whos she dating"

"You know the girl with green hair, usually in these braid like things. Weaeing athletic cloths usually"

Chihiro tried to think of who he might be talking about, he finally landed on a girl he ran into from the halls, she went on this whole rant on how he should be careful, because all the boys at the school were nothing but nasty degenerates who cause problems..... it was kinda weird honestly.

"Oh, I know who your talking about...tenko right?"

"Yeah her. Hates my fucking guts, yet miu insists I come to these things"

"I hope it doesn't seem rude to say this...but she doesn't seem like she would go for miu, miu has a kind of crude sense of humor..and tenko seems to find that stuff digusting"

"Yeah..but hey, opposites attract."

"Your not wrong."

"Hey mondo!" A voice chimed in. " you need to see this! Someone's gonna do a flip from the roof into the pool!"

"Oh shit, ill be right there!" He looked at chihiro with a grin before hopping down. He held out his hand to him before going. "Cmon, let's go see how bad this guy fails"

Chihiro just smiled and grabbed his hand before being dragged outside.

(I am so sorry it keeps taking me so long to update this! But I hope this can keep you satisfied for now! )

so many secrets ( mondo x chihiro)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ