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Finally it was time for there first class to begin but mondo decided to just skip the class, yeah taka was going to get upset with him but he didn't exactly care at the moment. Mondo just exited the school building taking in a deep breath as he began walking, getting further and further from the building as the guilt began eating away at him again. mondo hadn't been paying attention so he of course bumped into someone.

"sh*t" leon fell backwards from the impact. mondo helped him up sighing.

"sorry dude....i wasn't watching where i was going."

"nah its fine, you doing alright?"


leon didn't believe mondo at all, but before he could ask him anything else he just walked off. he thought of running after him but he was already late so he just walked into the school hoping he would  get the chance to talk to him again.

Mondo was finally off school grounds and thought of maybe just going back home. He got on his motorcycle and just decided to start driving, he had no idea where he was heading and that was okay. He didnt need to know he just needed to clear his mind. Today wasnt the only day he couldnt function because of the thought of his brother, it had happend other times. Some days he was completely over it and others he couldnt think of anything but that fact was his fault

If only he wasnt so careless......maybe he would still be here, maybe his brother would still be able to go on motorcycle rides with him. He would be able to wake up every morning to daiya making coffee and burnt toast and be able to tell him if he doesn't stop burning the damn toast he'd beat the sh*t out of him. And they would be able to laugh about it and be on there way to where ever it was they were going that day.

God just thinking about this was passing him off again, he pulled over to the side of the road and just stayed there for a little bit before deciding exactly where he was going to go. Once he mentally got himself back together he began to ride once again......his destination.....the cemetery.

( not me self projecting on mondo......definitely no me 😳)

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