is that a boy or a gremlin?

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Chihiro entered his class and sat down in the empty seat,there were already students in there so the teacher began their lesson. About half way through someone just opened the door, didn't even knock or anything.

The teacher looked over at him and sighed, this must have been a common occurrence. "You're late once again mr. Ouma, that's detention"

The small purple haired boy laughed (more like cackled) not even responding as he sat down in the empty desk next to Chihiro. He looked over at him confusion written all over his face.

"....I don't recognize you....who are you exactly?" Kokichi said leaning close to Chihiro. He slightly turned his head to look over at him.

"Oh...I'm chihiro....i-im new here..."

"Wow really?! Bet you had to be stuck with that ishimaru guy all morning. Feel bad for ya,he constantly has a stick up his ass"

Fujisaki was quite surprised by what he was saying, he honestly though Ishimaru was sweet, he has good intentions, and a lot of passion! Even if said passion is mostly useless school rules. "You shouldn't say that about him....he's really nice,and very polite"

" that what you think?.....ya know, he's already said some really bad stuff about you. About how some annoying little girl with short brown hair would just, noooot stop bothering him" a small glint of mischief was obvious in his eyes as he spoke.

"he has?"

".......nope....I haven't heard shit from him. I barely even talk to the guy" the once sinister look turned into a cheeky grin. "Anyway cheerio....nice to meet ya I'm kokichi ouma"

"Cheerio?....umm i-its nice to meet you too....."

Kokichi kind of scared chihiro,but not in the same way mondo scared him. This was for a completely different reason. He decided to direct his attention back at the teacher taking in a deep breath and sharply exhaling.

Finally the class ended but instead of chihiro being able to walk off to the lunch room suddenly kokichi grabbed chihiro's arm, pulling him back and next to him.

"Cheerio! You should eat lunch with me and my friends! I have feeling you and them will get along perfectly!" kokichi said as he began dragging chihro along.


so many secrets ( mondo x chihiro)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt