the new kid

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Chihiro slowly awoke as he sat up in his bed,little Ray's of sunshine peaking in at him through his window. He yawned and stretched out his legs hopping off of the bed and walking into his bathroom.

He took off his pajama and stepped into his shower letting the hot water hit his back as he washed his hair and body. Once the boy was finished he stood in front of the mirror and dried his hair styling it in the process. It wasnt anything complicated it was simply a couple hair clips pinning it out of his face.

He walked back to his room and got dressed for the day. It was nothing special just a light blue shirt with a pink sweater.......and a skirt. Yeah hes wearing a skirt.

Now normally he would probably pick out on some Jean's that would compliment the outfit well,but he decided on a skirt to help him pass more as a girl.

Chihiro didnt want to pass as a girl but if it meant he wouldnt get bullied like he did at his last school,he was willing to do it. You see he was always quite a girly looking boy,it was never on purpose on anything hes just short and feminine theres almost nothing masculine about him.

He was ready for the day. Fujisaki left his house saying his goodbyes to his father and started walking twords the school.


Mondo owada was hanging out behind the school with two good friends of his,leon kuwata and kiyotaka ishimaru.

Normally mondo would probably be smoking a cigarette but kiyotaka would start yelling at him about the consequences of smoking,so he decided not to around him so that he could avoid a 2 hour long lecture.

"No I'm just saying.....snakes dont have dicks so like how do they even have sex?" Leon and Kiyotaka were have the weirdest conversation mondo had ever heard in his life so he decided to just stay out of it.

"Number one; they dont procreate the same way mammals do and number two; that kind of language is not welcome in a school environment leon!"

"Oh come on dont be a buzzkill"

Taka rolled his eyes and leaned on the wall next to mondo. The gang leader chuckled and looked down at his friend "Leon's stupid questions pissing you off?"

Ishimaru nodded his head before standing straight up again "I would stay and talk with you two longer,but I have to show are newest student around!"

"That sounds like it sucks cant you just.....I dont know skip it" mondo rested his hands behind his head before letting out a deep sigh "it's kinda annoying,everytime were hanging out you have to do some boring ol school shit"

"Well I'm sorry my boring school things are annoying you,but think of how they're going to feel if I let them roam this school all alone,there are your gang members to worry about and just plain rude students, so I'm showing them around"

"Hey the guys dont go round attacking innocent people!,as long as the new kid ain't an ass hat they got nothin to be afraid of"

Kiyotaka rolled his eyes before walking off.

"Sometimes Ishimaru is a real pain in the ass"mondo pulled a pack from his pocket, and lit a cigarette.

"Well,hes just worried I have had to rough up a few guys for hurting people for no reason, and dude it's a gang of course it full of dangerous people" leon said playing around with his baseball

"I guess you guys arent wrong about maybe a few of my guys. But you ain't right either!"

"Yeah yeah what ever you say"


The shorter boy was waiting right outside of the school just like he was supposed too,waiting for his tour guid.

His wait was finally over when he saw a boy  with a grown out buzzcut and red eyes approach him.

"Hello I'm kiyotaka ishimaru,its a pleasure meeting you" he stuck out his hand expecting a hand shake which fujisaki hesitantly granted.

"I-im chihiro fujisaki"

"Well fujisaki,let me show you around"

He let go of his hand and began walking inside of the school talking loudly about which classes chihiro were going to be in. They finally arrived at what Chihiro assumed was going to be his first class of the day.

"Luckly me and you have this class together so if you need help with anything don't hesitate to ask! Although it is a bit early we should go ahead and take our seats in the classroom. It's better early then late." He sounded quite enthusiastic about literally everything he said. His extremness was a bit smothering for the smaller of the two....but refreshing from his usual melancholic surroundings.

"Oh...o-okay then"

The two boys walked into the classroom. Ishimaru pointed towards the back of the class where chihiro was going to have to sit.

"Thats the only seat left,sorry if you wanted one towards the front" ishimaru said sitting in his own seat which was more in the middle.

"No its alright...who exactly am I sitting by though?"

"Well you will be sitting between two of my good friends actually. Leon and mondo"


They were ishimarus friends so they must act alot like ishimaru right? Well chihiro thought wrong,they were extremely different as he would soon find out.

Hey it took me a long time to make this part and I'm really exited to make this story since it doesn't get as much love as it should.

Thank you for reading!!!!!

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