Calby - NITSW bonus chapter

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Calum couldn't remember the last time he had ever been this fucking nervous. He played in front of sold out stadiums, he had been on some of the largest television programs and yet he couldn't remember a time where his hands had ever been so shaky as they were when he lifted his right hand to knock on Ben Carter's front door.

Every second that ticked past while he waited on the door to open he felt himself getting closer and closer to a panic attack. Why was this so nerve wracking? It was just a simple question. That was an understatement and he knew it. Sure it was a simple question, but it was the question that could quite simply change his life forever.

His toe tapped against the concrete stoop as he waited, the sounds of someone walking through the house making it clear that Ben was coming, just apparently not in much of a hurry. Calum didn't have time to waste, Darby had gone out for groceries and diapers and even with Ava tagging along she would be more than an hour and a half. He'd gone with the first excuse that came to his head when she asked him where he was going when the security cameras had shown him leaving. His white lie about having to pick something up at the studio worked since Ben's house was conveniently located only a block away.

Finally, the dark wooden door swung open to reveal a surprised looking Ben. His blonde hair was side-swooped over his forehead and his left hand pushed it back as he took in Calum standing on his doorstep.

"Wasn't expecting to see you." Ben said as he appraised him, scanning his eyes over Calum. "What can I do for you, Hood?"

"Can I come inside for a bit? Please, it's important."

Ben narrowed his eyes but stepped aside to let Calum slip through the door. With it shut behind them they moved to the living room, taking seats across from each other, Ben on the couch and Calum on an accent chair.

"Sorry it took me a minute to get to the door. I can't ever find this damn mask. What's up?" Ben leaned back, crossing his left leg over his right and waiting for Calum to explain the reason behind his visit.

"It's fine, I lose mine all the time too. I came here because I wanted to talk to you about Darby."

Ben stared at him, a mixture of intrigue and suspicion in his eyes. "What about my sister?"

"Obviously Darby and I have a long history. We have Ava who means the absolute world to me and I know that things haven't always been good for us—"

"Right because you cheated on her and abandoned her and your kid."

Calum ground his teeth together to stop himself from lashing out. He was trying to be an adult, trying to finally get his life on track for how he wanted things to be.

"I admit that I have not been the man I should have been. I have not been the man they needed, the man they deserve but I want to be that for them now."

"And just how do you plan to do that?" Ben asked, folding his arms over his chest in a defensive stance.

"I want to ask Darby to marry me."

Ben blanched.

"You've got to be shitting me." He guffawed, nearly choking on his laughter.

"I'm serious." Calum replied, stern and unwavering.

"Then isn't this something you should discuss with our dad?"

"I called him, we talked it over and he agreed to give me his blessing. Darby will want you to have a say, I'm sure of it. She adores you and so does Ava. I know that I'm indebted to you, you took care of them when I wasn't man enough to step up to the plate and so before I propose I want to have your blessing as well."

Ben scoffed.

"Look, I get you don't like me. I can't really blame you after everything. If someone treated Mali the way I have treated Darby I don't know that I would have it in my heart to forgive them."

"Then why are you here asking me to do something that you yourself admit you can't do?"

"Because I love Darby. Because I know that I messed up but I learned the hard way that my life without her isn't worth living. Because I love my daughter with my whole fucking heart." Calum sniffled, unable to completely ward off his emotions as he talked about his girls. "Because I want to give them the life they deserve. I want to be a family and I don't know that it's something I can achieve without your blessing."

Ben was quiet, his eyes shifting around the room as he took in Calum's desperate plea.

"You're right on a few things. Darby and Ava are worthy of a life where they are loved unconditionally. They deserve to be adored even when it isn't convenient, even when it isn't easy. Are you telling me you're prepared to give them that?"

"And more." Calum promised.

"If I do this, if I say that I approve of you for my sister we have an understanding. If you ever, and I mean ever, lay an unkind hand on her, say an unkind word, treat her any less than she deserves. If you don't adore my niece like you're the damn father of the year I will end you."


"I know Darby loves you. I know she's forgiven you and maybe one day she'll even forget the things you put her through but I will never forget. Deep in my soul though I know you love her and really do want to be good for them. So as long as I have your word that you will do your best by them everyday, then I will give you my blessing."

Relief flooded every cell in Calum's body and he stood and shook Ben's hand. He couldn't help it and pulled him in for a hug.

"Thanks man, it means more to me than you know."

"Take care of my sister and niece."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2021 ⏰

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