Fair Date - Ashton

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AN: Requested by the lovely Sprinting_Ginger

Requests are open!

The balmy late July air hit your skin harshly. It was hot, but cooling off with every passing minute as the late afternoon faded to early evening. You turned your face to stare out the window. It was rolled down and the wind blowing in left your hair a disheveled mess behind you but you couldn't be bothered to care. Not while you were here, not while you were with him.

His hand fit perfectly in your own, his long fingers wrapped protectively around yours. His free hand was draped casually over the steering wheel as you sped through the streets of the town his band was playing tomorrow night. A day off for him was rare and when the opportunity presented itself you had jumped at the chance to see him, booking the ticket with no hesitation.

He'd been ecstatic when you had arrived, having not been able to see you, touch you, love you in person in nearly two months. You'd spent the whole morning reconnecting. Tucked away in his private luxury hotel room, wrapped up in your love filled state. Venturing out only when you both could no longer avoid the rumbling of your stomachs. You had drove through town looking for something appetizing but everything you found either didn't appeal to you or was too crowded. 

"What's that?" Ash asked staring past you out the open window towards the blinking lights of the marquee signs. 

"I think it's a fair." You replied turning to look in the same direction. 

He swung the car into the parking area without hesitation and popped out of the driver's seat quickly once the car was stopped. 

"Well come on then," he said, running around to your side of the door and opening it for you, "we haven't had a real date in ages. Can't miss the chance to take my girl out."

You slid your hand back into his. You had always loved the way they seemed to fit so perfectly together and how he always wanted to be touching in some way when you were with one another. You had always felt like your last boyfriend was ashamed of you because of his refusal to make contact in public. You loved that Ashton held no such reserves. 

He pulled you along to the ticket office paying for both of your admission and ride bracelets. Excitedly, like a child he moved towards the rides, his hunger forgotten momentarily until you remind him. Almost reluctantly he changed course steering you both towards the food. He choosing some kind of Greek sandwich and you a hand-dipped corn dog. 

He laughed as you both sat at the table to eat, making an inappropriate comment about your food choice that caused your cheeks to turn a bright shade of red. He knew you secretly loved his dirty jokes even if they did make you blush uncontrollably.

Conversation between the two of you had always been easy, never a dull moment since the one in which you had met. That night used to cause embarrassment for you but now you just viewed at part of the fairy tale that had become your life since Ash had entered it. You'd quite literally bumped into him at a concert, trying desperately to get to the ladies room before you spilled the contents of your stomach that had to have been mostly alcohol at that point. He'd caught your arm as you stumbled through and turned you around to ask if you were okay only for you to puke all over his very expensive looking black boots. 

You'd been mortified when you looked up to face him, even more so when you realized he was quite possibly the most beautiful boy you had ever seen. His look of concern genuine and his unique hazel eyes had seemed to stare through straight to your sole. Even then, in your drunken stupor you had known he was special, that he just might change your whole world. 

Now you stare across the table at the man you had fallen completely in love with. The man that meant absolutely everything to you. He smiles when he glances up and catches you staring. 

"Take a picture, it'll last longer" he giggles and you have to smile. A grown man bursting into the most adorable fit of laughter was as much a reason to smile as any. 

"Come on! I wanna do the rides!" He calls pulling you along behind him, his enthusiasm seeping into his voice. 

He looks around surveying all his choices before leading you in the direction of a spinning ride. You continue, Ash pulling you this way or that until you have ridden every ride but one. A large claw looking contraption that swings back and forth like a pendulum and at one point stops directly overhead with the passengers hanging upside down for a moment before finishing out the ride. Ash's eyes glimmer with excitement as he looks at it while yours hold traces of fear. You resist his pull on your wrist and he spins to face you, a look of confusion spread across his face.  

"What's wrong?" he quizzes.

"I don't think I want to do this one." You say sheepishly. You hate disappointing him. 

"Are you sure? Look at how much fun it looks like!" He says again turning to watch the ride in motion. "Please, for me?" he asks chancing a look down at you. His big hazel eyes hold so much hope you can't even stop yourself from agreeing and he rushes to pull you into the line. 

Your anxiousness grows as the line moves forward. Ash, always conscious of your emotions loops his arms across your chest and pulls you against him. Peppering light kisses to your temple and the back of your shoulder. His affection lightens your worries until you find yourself strapped to the device. You find yourself grabbing for his hand and clutching it tightly. The first few seconds of the ride consist of you screaming bloody murder until you begin to let yourself enjoy it. As it comes to an end and your harness is released you look over to see Ashton laughing madly as your antics.

"See that wasn't so bad." He says squeezing you against his side. "Now where are the games, got to win my girl a prize for displaying such bravery for me." he presses a kiss to the top of your head and you walk arm in arm towards the game stations. He sees one that is won by throwing a ball in a cup and gets excited once more, its basically beer pong, Ash's favorite drinking game. It costs him twenty dollars, but he wins you the stuffed turtle. Your favorite animal.

He hands it to you proudly before kissing your forehead lightly and whispering against your ear, "Let's go back to the hotel." 

And now you're the one pulling him along excitedly.

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