Little One - Luke

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An: requested by the lovely Sprinting_Ginger

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Luke watched you cautiously from his seat on the chair next to your hospital bed. He used the palm of his hand to rub at his tired eyes. You'd both been up for almost forty-eight hours at this point and he didn't want to complain. You'd done all of the hard work after all, he'd just watched, held your hand, and tried to comfort you.

Now he stared intently at the tiny sleeping baby in your arms. She was the most incredible thing he'd ever seen, half you and half him.

"Come here." You asked of him patting the space beside you on the bed.

His eyes snapped up to meet yours, his hesitancy clear.

"She's a baby, Lu. She's not going to bite." He forced a smile and moved as gently as possible to sit beside you. Stretching out his long limbs as he filled the space and throwing his arm around your shoulder. Slowly he brought his hand to your daughter's face, lightly trailing his fingers over her delicate skin. She seemed to lean against his touch, her tiny features hinting at a smile as he made contact with her cheek.

"You haven't held her yet." You say turning to face him.

"I-I'm scared." He mumbles back. "She's just so little. What if I hurt her?"

"You won't. I'll help you I promise." He nervously tucked a stray curl behind his ear, sighing as held held out his arms. The anxiousness radiated from his pores as you positioned his arms while still holding your newborn. "You ready?" You asked staring into his soft blue eyes. He swallowed and pulled at his bottom lip with his teeth but you knew once he just did it he'd feel more comfortable so you repositioned the baby, careful to support her head as you transferred her from your arms to his.

He tensed, his entire body going rigid as his fear became evident. You couldn't help it you let out a laugh.

"Don't laugh at me." He whined, his self-doubt consuming him as he remained frozen in place too terrified to move.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry. Lu, baby, relax. You've got her." You whispered leaning against his side and letting your hand gently rest against his forearm. The little one in his arms squirmed and Luke tried to not let his fear of breaking his own daughter consume him. The baby girl only snuggled against her father. "See," You said giving him a smile. "She likes you."

He seemed to release then, his shoulders dropping to a more relaxed position as he cradled her. After a moment he chances a shift, dipping his head down to press a kiss to her forehead. Relieved he'd managed not to fail at this one small task but still hesitant about the rest of it.

You pressed your lips to his shoulder loving every part of this moment. The way your Lu looked at the baby girl you'd made together, his constant need to look to you for reassurance.

"Don't doubt yourself babe." You said to him reaching across to run your fingers through your daughters fine baby hair. "You're gonna be such a good daddy. I know it."

He smiles over at you then bending his neck slightly to press his lips to yours, the first of many sweet moments as a family of three.

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