Unplanned - Luke

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Requested by destinysieloff

The air seemed to disappear from the room as you stared at the small plastic test in your shaking hand. The pale pink plus was obvious and daunting.

"How could this have happened?" You asked your sister, your voice small and scared, barely recognizable as it left your mouth. She simply reached out and squeezed your shoulder, wanting to be supportive but just as shocked by this as you were.

You'd never expressed any desire to one day be a mother, you'd always been indifferent to the idea and when Luke had told you early into your relationship that he never envisioned himself as a father you'd told him that was something that you could live with.

Now as you sat confronted with the fact that the two of you had made a child your opinion on the topic was quickly shifting, though you knew his would not.

That knowledge spurred the tears that fell from your eyes as your sister allowed you to lean into her, her hand stroking through the stands of your long hair as she held you.

"What am I gonna do?" You asked as a lone tear slid over you cheek and dropped down onto your shirt.

"Well, first things first you need to tell Luke."

Your body shook as you sobbed, your arms wrapping tightly around your knees as you tried to make yourself into a tiny ball on the bathroom floor where you sat.

"He's gonna be so angry." You forced out between ragged breaths.

"Hey, hey, no. He loves you so much."

"He doesn't want kids. Ever. We've talked about it."

"Yeah well, maybe he'll change his mind." She said softly, her hand running over your back as she tried to calm you like a good big sister.

"I don't know..." you said softly.

"Lu, um, can we talk?" You asked, fiddling with your fingers nervously and leaning against the doorframe of the music room of his hone where he was currently strumming away on his favorite guitar.

"Can it wait, love? I'm a bit busy today."

"I—I'm sorry. I really don't think it can." You forced out, trying to keep your voice from breaking though judging by the concerned look that crossed his face you weren't sure you were being successful.

"O—okay." He places his guitar in the floor beside him and gestured to the couch, beckoning you forward to take a seat on the soft brown leather.

A shaky breath left your lungs as you sat gently on the sofa, wiping your hands on your knees in an effort to remove the slick coat of sweat that had developed in the past few minutes.

You felt sick, and not from the morning sickness you'd been experiencing.

"I have to tell you something Luke, and I don't know how you're going to react."

His brow furrowed and his mouth set into a tight line.

"What is it? What have you done?"

You gasped, a little affronted by his accusation and immediate assumption that you had done something.

"I haven't done anything!" You said defensively. "It's-it's just.."

"What is it? Spit it out. You're making me nervous."

"Fuck—okay!" You say, trying to gather the courage needed to just say the words but it's difficult with his intimidating stare focused on you.

"I'm pregnant."

Dead silence.

Your eyes stay glued to the floor, terrified of what you might find if you allowed your gaze to drift up to meet his eyes.

"You're joking." He says after a moment, his voice hard and full of disbelief.

You shake your head no as tears begin to fill your eyes.

"Fuck." He says simply.

You look up then, immediately hurt by the hard look on his face as he tugs at the mop of blonde curls covering his head.

"Okay, but like, we've talked about this right? Neither of us want this, so...settled."

You stifle a sob as you can almost hear the sound of your heart shattering in your chest.

You know if you stay a moment longer you'll break down and you're unsure if you could withstand that in front of Luke right now so you run.

Grabbing your purse and keys on the way out and never liking back as you slip behind the wheel of your car and make the short drive over to your sisters house.

"I just don't understand!" Luke said. "We've talked about this exact situation and how we would handle it and here we are faced with it and she just runs."

"Mate, did you talk to about her now? Maybe her feelings have changed." Michael said reaching across his friend to grab a chip from the bowl on the table in front of them.

"No, no, we both agreed, kids aren't in the card for us." Luke said feigning confidence.

"Yeah, but, she said that years ago when you were first starting to date she didn't say it now when she's twenty five and actually facing the decision. You need to talk to her." Ash said, ever the most rational and mature amongst the boys.

"Fuuuuuccckkkk!" Luke drawled, pinching the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger.

He stood, downing what was left of the tequila in his cup and heading for the door, ignoring the call from his bandmates behind him, his mind only focused on one thing: making things right with you.

He paced beside the road as he waited for his Uber, struggling for what to say to you when he finally faced you.

His car appeared and he slid in the backseat, texting you frantically to meet him outside your sister's house in five minutes.

He breathed a sigh of relief when he arrived and saw you waiting, arms folded and eyes downcast as he practically fell out of the car and over to you.

He steadied himself by gripping on to your elbows.

"I'm sorry." He said quickly. "I'm sorry I was a dick, I just thought you'd still want the same things but if you don't, I just need to know. Tell me what you want. Tell me what you need from me and I'll be it."

He tucked a stray hair behind your ear, his eyes focused on you, searching your irises for a hint at what you may be thinking.

"I thought I knew what I wanted. I thought you and I would always be enough for me. We had all these plans for travel and adventure and freedom but now, as soon as I saw the test everything changed and —I'm sorry but I want different things now. I want the baby Luke. It's half me and half you and I want it. I won't make you stay because we had this conversation and we both agreed this wasn't what we wanted and I won't force you to stay and if you wa—"

You didn't have a chance to finish, his hands cupped your cheeks and pulled your forward rightly until his lips ceased into yours.

His lips moved hungrily against yours a soft groan falling from him before he pulled away.

"I want you. I want any and everything that comes with being with you. If you want to keep the bay then I do to. I'm not saying I'll be perfect, I never pictured myself as a dad but we'll figure it out, together."

He kissed your forehead as all the worry and sadness that had filled you since your earlier talk melted away and all that mattered was that he was here for you.

"We're gonna be parents." He murmured against your shoulder as his head dropped to rest there.

"Yeah," you said back. "Holy shit."

An: thanks for reading!
Sav 🖤

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