Sick - Ashton

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Requested by @Shannon1300

"Ash?" You called out for your boyfriend as you entered the home you two shared.

You frowned at the silence that followed as you padded through the house in search of him, your frown only deepening when you found him on the couch shivering whilst sweating profusely.

"Ash?" You tried again, sitting next to him on the couch and shaking him gently to wake him.

He stirred, blinking furiously as he tried to assess his surroundings.

"You okay? You look dreadful." You said, extending your hand to check his temperature. "You're burning up. You not feeling well?"

"I feel like shit." He said, his voice coming out as a ragged whisper.

"Alright, lets get you in the shower. Maybe it'll cool you off a bit." You said, grabbing his hands and helping him stand. He staggered slightly on his feet as he stood but you steadied him and the pair of you began the trek to the master bathroom.

He sat on the closed toilet, his head in his hands as you turned the water on and allowed it to heat to a Luke warm temperature you hope would help his body regulate. You helped him to his feet and stripped him of his clothes before stripping yourself and guiding him into the glass encased shower.

He stood under the water as you gently washed him clean. His breathing was shaky and ragged, his body still shivering slightly from his immune systems exerted effort.

When he was clean you shut off the tap and wrapped him in a towel, sliding his favorite pair of sweats onto him and guiding him to the bed. He slipped beneath the covers and you wandered into the kitchen in search of the Tylenol for Cold and Flu.

You retrieved the tablets and headed back to the bedroom, sliding in beside him and letting his head rest on your chest. You ran your fingers through his tousled curls as his eyes fluttered closed and a peaceful look took over his face.

"Don't go to sleep just yet, love." You whispered. "I want you to take this medicine. It'll help you feel better I promise."

"Don't want it." He said softly, his eyes remaining closed.

"Babe, please don't fight me on this." You said stroking your fingers through his hair.

He sighed but relented, lifting his head slightly to take the pills she offered with a sip of water before returning to his position of head on her chest, arms wrapped around her.

He drifted off to sleep and not wanting to wake him you remained in your position. Flipping the television on and adjusting the volume so as not to disturb him.

He slept for hours, his face soft and peaceful, his shivering having ceased and you hoped that his body was using the rest to fight off whatever he'd come down with.

You knew he hated being sick, especially with the boys tour around the corner he'd beat himself up if he missed rehearsal or anything else for that matter. The band was his life and he hated to let his brothers down. Not that he could help that he was sick, but he was known to blame himself for things beyond his control.

After a few hours your attention was drawn down to him, his breathing growing shallow, his face becoming etched with stress and worry. You trailed your hand through his hair trying to return him to his peaceful rest.

Your efforts proved futile as he began to mumble in his sleep, his body beginning to thrash.You held him, shaking him, as you tried to pull him from whatever dream was distressing him.

"Ash, Ash baby, wake up. It's just a dream."

He gasped as his eyes flashed open, his fingers gripping your wrist as he gathered himself.

"Oh, shit." He said, raking his hands across his face. "Sorry. I just," he shook his head.

"What were you dreaming about?"

"It was just." He stopped and pressed a kiss to the skin of your stomach where your shirt had ridden up. "I just dreamed that you left me and I just...I hope you know I couldn't imagine my life without you. I love you."

"Aw, Ash. I love you too. I wouldn't want to be with anyone else. Get some rest now love so you can feel better!"

He smiled softly, his eyes closing once more.

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