The Fight - Ashton

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An: Thanks to Leoluckytwix2006  for being my first request! Message me any and all of your requests and I'll get to work! 😌 All feedback is appreciated! Hope you enjoy! -Sav 🖤

His whole body shook with anger. You'd never seen Ash like this before. His jaw set, the vein in his neck throbbing, his skin as reddened as his hair had once been.

"This is bullshit! You know how I feel about him and you still fucking talked to him. I tell you his intentions are bad and you never fucking listen."

"Ash, baby, calm down."

"Don't tell me to calm down!" He yells, his fist clenched at his sides. He closes his eyes and takes deep breaths and you know he is trying to calm himself down.

You hadn't intended to get him all worked up. You'd simply gone to a work function, a party he'd been invited to but had been unable to attend due to the boys running behind in the studio. You'd been mingling amongst your coworkers enjoying a glass of wine provided by your firm. You knew Ashton had a disdain for one of your male coworkers and so when he'd approached you, you'd been professional but kept the conversation to a minimum before heading off to fetch yourself another drink. He'd offered a goodbye and placed his hand to your arm in a way that honestly did put you off slightly.

That's when Ashton had surprised you. Showing up to the party in a grand gesture to show you that your job was just as important as his. He'd been seething as he approached you but doing his best to control it, obviously having read more into the innocent exchange than reality. He'd grabbed your hand and marched you out the building never offering you a chance to bid your coworkers goodnight.

He'd thrown himself into the driver's seat of your car  barely waiting for you to buckle yourself in before he sped off. He kept the music off, a sure sign that he was pissed and stayed completely silent the entire ride home. It was a facade of course. His silence a wall separating his true feelings from the world until they bubbled up and boiled over and out of his mouth.

A loud crash interrupts your thoughts and you glance up to see your favorite photo of the two of you lying broken on the floor of your living room.

"Ash you're over reacting!" You scream moving towards him trying to get his attention.

He spins around and his hand flies up causing you to flinch away. When the hit you expected doesn't come, you slowly open your eyes to find Ashton's previously darkened and rage filled eyes much softer.

"You—you thought I'd hit you?" He asks, his voice suddenly coated with emotion and his throat tight.

When you can't force yourself to say no he drops to the space beside you on the couch letting the top half of his body fall forward into his hands.

"Damn it, I'm sorry" he groans. "You know I'd never put my hands on you, right?" He says turning to look at you through his fingers that still partially block his face.

You give a slight nod, wanting to believe him but not fully sure you do.

He seems to register your hesitation and looks away, softly whispering a "fuck."

Your fear following his angry outburst seems to have quickly shifted the mood in the room from one of rage and fear to one of regret.

"Baby—" He says moving to kneel in front of you and forcing you to meet his gaze. "I am so sorry. I shouldn't have let my anger get that out of control. I was overreacting."

"Yes. You were. If you'd let me speak I'd have told you I just said hi and then was leaving to get a drink when you walked in. His hand on my arm made me uncomfortable and I was going to tell you about it tonight but I did nothing wrong." You say firmly. "You never give me the chance to be heard. I need us to work on communicating Ash or—"

"Or what?"

"Or I don't know if I can keep doing this." You say averting your eyes.

"You don't mean that." He says recoiling and shaking his head. "Say you're lying. You— you can't leave me. I need you."

"I need you too." You say choking back your tears. "But I need you to be willing to work on our problems Ash."

"I am. Babe, I love you. You are everything to me. We can fix this. I'll work on it. I'll do anything for you. Just please—please don't leave me."

You run your hands through his curls and pull him forward pressing a soft kiss to his lips.

"You scared me tonight bubba. But we'll fix this, we always do. I love you."

He seems to collapse against you then. His lips hungry and desperate as if they're trying to prove his unwavering love for you in this one simple kiss. You tangle your fingers in the hair at the base of his neck and move forward so you can be closer to him. He finally breaks the kiss and rests his forehead against yours.

"I'll make this up to you, I love you." He says staring through your eyes and straight to your soul. It's hard to deny his words when he so clearly means them.

"I love you too, Ash"

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