The One- Luke

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AN: Thank you to @joosina for this request!

Request are open so message me with a blurb if you would like me to write something for you! - Sav

"Aren't you excited?" You asked your boyfriend Luke through the face time call on your phone.

"A weekend with you? Alone, with no one else? Fuck yeah, I'm excited I feel like I haven't spent any time with you in ages." He frowned through the screen. A strange noise came through and you wondered what it was for a moment before Petunia appeared in the screen, promptly settling herself directly on his chest.

"Hi Tuney!" You squealed and the dog's ears perked up as she cocked her head at the sight of you on the small screen.

"But back to what we were talking about," Luke said. "I really miss you. I finally get a break from tour and your stupid job steals you away from me. How fair is that?"

"Hey, my job isn't stupid!" You defended and he laughed at the cute way your face scrunched up when you were teetering on the edge of getting angry with him.

"I know it's not, love. I'm just frustrated because I miss you. I'm used to my stupid job keeping me from you not the other way around." He offered.

"Welcome to my world." He said sarcastically.

"How much longer until you're home?" He asked.

"Only one more sleep, bub." You said sweetly.

"Still too long. I just want to be out in the woods with you. I don't even remember the last time I went really camping." He said, running his fingers through his messy blonde hair before moving to pet Petunia.

"Well, I've never been so you best protect me from bears, snakes, and just nature."

He laughed, the one that came from his belly and made his eyes sparkle in the way that did undeniable things to your heart.

"Yeah right, you're way more adventurous than me and you know it. If anyone is doing the protecting it'll be you. You're such a bad ass." He said proudly.

He always did this, found little way to reassure you that you were amazing even in such simple things like that. It was such a refreshing change from the relationship you had before you had met Luke. Though that had been over three years ago flash memories often reminded you just how much better for you Luke was and how happy you were to have the privilege of being his girlfriend.

"Babe? Come back to me." He laughed on the other end of the line.

"Sorry, didn't mean to zone out on you."

"'s alright, love. What were you thinkin' about?"

"You." You admitted honestly.

"Oh yeah?" He pressed.

"Yep." You said, the emphasis falling on the last syllable.

"What about?"

"How I love you. How I'm really lucky to have you."

"I'm lucky to have you too, love. And you know I love you to pieces." His eyes lifted and you could hear what sounded like Calum in the background.

"That Cal?" You asked.

"Yeah, babe. We gotta go in to the office to meet with management. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Have a good sleep and I'll pick you up at the airport. I love you!"

You echoes his sentiment and he ended the call.

"You don't think she's got any idea?" Cal asked over my shoulder and I shook my head as I spread my hands to either side of the large jewelry case and bent down to get a better look at all the rings on display.

"What about this one?" Cal asks pointing at the most gaudy ring I've ever seen in my life.

"Jesus fucking Christ Cal. Have you met my girlfriend? She'd never wear that shit. I have no clue what I'm doing." I say growing frustrated.

A glimmer in the case pulls my attention. The ring is exquisite. The solitaire diamond clear and beautiful with intricate metal work around it giving it a kind of vintage look. She'd love it.

"Cal." I say, using the back of my hand to thump him in the chest and gain his attention. "That one?" I ask and his eyebrows raise.

"Fuck, that's like perfect. I can definitely see her wearing it."

"It's already her size too." I say noticing the size six marker on the tray. I point it out to the jeweler.

"Beautiful choice."

I feel goosebumps raise on my arms as I pay for my selection, the small box feeling incredibly heavy in my pocket as we leave the store and I drive home.

"Come on!" Luke calls impatiently from in front of you on the trail.

"I'm coming! Why are you in such a rush, we have all day!" You laugh at him. "This is supposed to be relaxing and you're all stressed." You say catching up to him and massaging his bare shoulders for a moment. His T-shirt is thrown over his shoulder, his blonde curls hanging sloppily over his face.

"Surprise!" He says when you get to the top of the cliff. The view is stunning.

"What this?" You say looking over to the side and noticing your sister holding a dress.

"Luke thought you guys might want to end your trip with some pictures. You guys have never really done them and this spot's so pretty. He told me to bring you a dress and my camera." She said, gesturing to her professional camera looped around her neck.

"Aw, Lu. That's so sweet." You say, stepping towards him and connecting your lips.

"Come on!" He says excitedly, removing his backpack and producing a pair of dressier shorts and a blue dress shirt.

It doesn't take long for the both of you to change and you hadn't gone for much of a hike, this look out less than half a mile from where you had camped the past few days, access to a public bath house keeping you from feeling gross after that long in nature.

The first photos were more serious but as you two got comfortable in front of the camera they became goofy and you squealed as he wrapped his arms around your stomach an picked you up, throwing you over his shoulder before setting you down facing away from him.

You laughed deeply.

"Lu, why did you-" You stopped mid sentence as you turned around, finding him stooped down, kneeling on one knee.

"You are the love and light of my life. Before you, everything was so dark and I was so incredibly lonely. I didn't even know what I wanted until you were right in front of me. I've never had someone make me feel so important. So hear and understood. So complete. No one until you has made me feel like I could do anything, be anyone, be completely myself. I love you. I love you so entirely and I can't, nor do I want to, imagine my life without you. So," he removes a small black box from his shirt pocket and reveals the most perfect ring I could have dreamed of. "Will you, do me the utmost honor, and be my wife? Will you marry me?"

Tears pour down my face as I am completely overwhelmed. I try to force the words but nothing will come out so I settle for shaking my head furiously until the smile is wide across his face.

"I love you!" He says standing and kissing me fiercely.

"I love you too!" You squeal, staring down at the gorgeous ring in it's new place on your left hand.

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