Daddy Ash

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Requested by -ASHTONICWIN

"We've got a special show tonight, if you guys aren't aware." Luke said into his microphone onstage and you felt your face flush as you watched on from the side of the stage.

"Oh yeah, why's that?" Micheal asked him

"Well, Mikey if you didn't know, we're all about to be uncles again!" Luke replied.

"Technically this is my first time being an uncle." The blonde shot back.

"Ah, true. But yeah if you didn't know, Ash and his wife, y/n, are having a baby and we're all so excited for them! Tonight we just found out, well I guess I should say, Cal, just found out the gender and he's set up a surprise for Y/n and Ash to find out and we're including all of you!"

"Yeah, I'm actually most excited for him. I'm also his best, best friend which is why I'm the one who already knows." Cal said into the microphone with a smirk as he stared out at the crowd. "Alright so, this is how this is going to go, on your way in to night is looks like quite a few of you noticed my display, aka the giant white fabric when you came in the door and the paint brushes where we asked you to guess what you think they're having! It looks like a ton of you participated because that shit is definitely not white anymore." He laughed as the video from the front of the arena displayed on the monitors for everyone to see.

"We're gonna bring out Y/n, and Ash is gonna come up front so he can fucking see." A giant scream filled the arena as Ashton jumped down from his riser, coming side stage, grabbing your hand and leading you towards Calum. "Ah, there they are. Alright, we're gonna count it down now from three and then my friend Andy there is gonna pull that string with my homemade banner that's gonna tell everyone what baby Irwin is. You guys ready?"

"You ready?" Ash said into your ear, his voice just loud enough to be heard over the raucous of the fans below. He stood behind you, his chin on the top of your head and his arms draped over the still relatively small curve of your stomach.

"Yeah, baby." You mumbled as Calum led the fans in counting down.

"THREE." The sound of the crown bounced off the walls as the banner with Calum's handiwork unfurled to reveal a giant message 'It's a Girl!' in bright pink letters.

Ash's excited cheer rose from behind you and you allowed your self to be spun around to face him, his lips instantaneously finding yours. You knew he'd been hoping for a girl and you were beyond ecstatic to give him one.

"I love you." He said, pulling you tightly against his chest once more. He grasped your hand tightly as he waved to the crowd before escorting you back to your viewing area. One last kiss, a called 'I love you too', and then he was back to his drum stool, and the thing he loved most in the world second only to you.

"Ash?" You squeaked into the phone.

"Hey, babe. What's wrong?" He replied quickly.

"It's time."

"Wait like, time time?" He asked.

"Yes. Please hurry." You forced out as another wave of pain wrapped around your belly.

"Okay, okay. I'm paying for my coffee and I'll be right there. Do you need anything?" He asked, his voice sounding panicky and rushed.

"Just you."

"Okay, love. I'll be there as soon as I can. I love you!" 

"I love you, please hurry." You said into the phone, trying to disguise the pain and fear in your voice. 

The time between the end of the phone call and Ashton's arrival home seemed to be hours though it was surely only about twenty minutes. He burst through the door, his face displaying his worry.

"Hi," He said timidly, moving towards you and taking both of your hands in his own. "You alright so far?" He asked, searching your eyes for his answer as you nodded. Something in him seemed to release then, like his presence near you calmed him in the same way his presence calmed you. 

"Let me run up stairs and grab the bag and then we'll go, yeah?" He asked and you nodded again, unable to speak through the pain. He moved closer, allowing you to wrap your arms around his neck, his hands rubbing your lower back until the pain dissipated and you could talk again.

"Sit." He told you before running up the stairs returning only a moment later with the hospital bag. 

"Let's go." He said with a smile, helping you back to your feet and out to the car. 

"She's so perfect." Ashton cooed as he held the teeny girl in his arms, her eyes opening ever so slightly at the sound of her Daddy's voice. "Our little Margaret Anne. Hi Maggie!" He said to her as she again searched with her eyes trying to focus on him. 

"Hi." He said again, his voice raised and sweet as he spoke to your daughter. You watched him through tired eyes, your heart seeming to swell to ten times its usual size as you fell somehow even more in love with him watching him hold the child you'd made together. 

"You know my mum is going to flip when she finds out we named her after her." He said with a smirk. "She'll probably cry." He laughed, moving to rest on the hospital bed beside you, the little girl in his arms sleeping peacefully.

"You should go get her. I know she and my parents are probably dying to see her."

"You up for all that?" He asked, concern in his words. 

"Yeah, I'll be fine." 

"Only if you're up for it. You did so good love." He said, bending down to peck your lips and hand little Maggie over to you, his hand running through your hair before he turned and headed for the waiting room, excited to finally be able to introduce your parents to their first grandchild.

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