Somebody's Been Drinkin' - Calum

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This one is not a request but is based off the song by Cole Swindell
Hope you like it -Sav

10:35 new message
Hey! What are you doing?

Calum stared at the message on his phone as he sat in the backyard of his new house. After years of living with a roommate he'd finally gotten a place of his own, a place with less memories.

He grabbed the vodka bottle that was on the ground next to his chair and lifted it to his lips as his thoughts drifted to her the way they always seemed to.

So many ways he had gone wrong, so many things he would do differently if he was given the opportunity.

He clicked the home button on his iPhone illuminating the screen, his fingers hovering over the keyboard but unsure of what to say.

What was he doing? He was in a new place, a new backyard with new neighbors, a new view and the same old thoughts about her that seemed to follow him no matter what he did.

He didn't notice the time slipping by until his phone buzzed again in his hands

11:15 new message
Are you alight? Did you finally get moved in?

He released a dark laugh. Of course she knew he'd moved, the fucking tabloids couldn't let him keep anything private. That was one of the things she'd hated about being with him, though now she seemed to be using the information those outlets provided to her advantage.

He knew this move though, this was classic her. Surely she was out at the bar, she was surrounded by her friends and their boyfriends, a few cherry bombs in and scrolling through her messages getting sappy.

She didn't really care about his move. She just wanted to fuck with him...and it was working.

He huffed and shoved his phone back in his pocket, grabbing the bottle and taking a slow swig. He sat the bottle back down to his side and slid his hands together and behind his head,

He stared up at the sky, basking in the expansiveness of it and the way it made him feel small until the familiar buzz of his phone distracted him once more.

12:18 new message
"I miss you."


He threw the phone down on his stomach and groaned.

She missed him? She hadn't missed him in the six weeks since he'd last heard from her. I'm the six weeks since the last time she'd pulled this little song and dance and wound up in his bed the next morning.

12:36 new message
Wish I could kiss you one more time, just lay on your shoulder

No. No, he wasn't going to give in to this. She knew what she was doing but he wasn't going to give in this time. They'd don't this too many times and he had to p it a stop to it.

He thought the words, but the images of her body on his and the way he felt when she was lying next to him invaded his mind and made his resolve weaken.

His phone went off again.

1:09 new message
Can I come over?

Fuck he couldn't take it anymore his hands flew over the keyboard as he typed his response.

You're only blowing my phone up because you're drinking. But fuck it whatever, come over. I'm just out back with a fire and I'm not sober either.

1:14 new message
Just closed my tab. Send me your new address!

His eyes stopped on the picture she'd attached, she was obviously tipsy, the photo blurred but it was clear she was already in the back of a cab. Her dress was black and short, one he'd never seen before and her legs looked amazing.

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1:26 new message
I miss you so much

Calum did his best to focus on the GPS screenshot she'd attached that showed she was only two miles away and not her words. Letting himself believe anything she said at the moment was asking for trouble.

She's drunk. He tried to remind himself but he couldn't help but cling to the hope that maybe she was feeling all the things he did.

1:28 new message
Why did we ever break up?

He got the message just as the sound of a car door opening and closing again sounded from just outside his front gate.

He forced himself up and over to the door, taking a deep breath before undoing the latch and sliding the door open to reveal her there.

She pulled her lower lip back into her mouth with her too teeth. Nerves seemed to radiate off the both of them as her eyes scanned across his new yard.

"This is nice." She said softly after a moment and he swallowed in an effort to calm his racing heart.

"What are you doing here?" He asked her finally trying to make sense of everything as if it was the first time this had happened.

Maybe he was simply hoping for a different outcome in the morning.

"Didn't you read my texts?" She asked stepping forward, her hand rising to caress his left cheek bone.

"I miss you, Cal. I think we fucked up."

"You can't just show up here and say things like that." He said shaking his head and trying to set his mind straight.

"Let me show you I mean it." She pressed, her hand sliding down his side until her fingers found his. "Come on, let's go to bed."

She said tugging at his hand and trying to pull him towards the door.

"If we do this, if we cross this line...what happens in the morning?"

"If you want something different when you wake up we can blame the alcohol." She said gesturing to the bottle of Goose he still held in his hand.

"But I hope you won't want something different." She said quietly.

He searched her eyes to try and determine if she was lying but he saw nothing but honesty.

It was a risk, but she was worth it and he took her hand and pulled her behind him into his new home.

An: hope you enjoyed!

Sav 🖤

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