3-We're Here - I'm Gone

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The Clinic

Clint pulled up to the huge entrance of the clinic where patients can be dropped off. Audrey looked back at the two with their heads leaning against each other. "Get a photo, Clint. They look so cute!"

He tried to balk at the request but rarely said no to his wife. After taking a couple of shots he handed his phone to his wife. "They better not sue me, Aud!" Audrey laughed as Clint opened the sliding door. "We're here, sleepyheads."

The two woke and immediately separated themselves. Jeremy cleared his voice and unfastened his seat belt while Gwen rubbed her eyes and stretched.

"Audrey, you let me fall asleep!" Gwen jokingly scolded her friend. 

"You needed to sleep and you know it! So did Jeremy. Good luck in there, Dr. Corber is supposed to be one of the best!" Audrey tried her best to be a cheerleader knowing what may be in store for the two.

"Thanks, Audrey." Gwen undid her seat belt and stepped out of the van. 

"Yeah, thanks for letting me sleep, Audrey." Jeremy smiled.

"Good luck!" Audrey replied with a wide smile.

The two headed towards the entrance until Jeremy remembered his clothes. "What about our bags, Clint?!" They returned to their driver.

Clint face palmed himself which seemingly amused his two passengers. "Here's my card. The first tests usually take some time. They'll let you know if you need to stay. If you do, I will bring the bags in. If not, I drive you home."

Jeremy took a card and added. "Well, let's hope for option two."

"Yeah, I am all for option two." Gwen raised the card into the air, then gave a wave to Audrey.

Gwen caught a reflection of herself in the huge glass doors and stopped suddenly at the horrific sight!

"No stopping now. We're already here." Jeremy pointed at the building.

"What the hell? I am not afraid of going in there, you idiot! I am afraid of going in there looking like a doll from a horror movie!" Gwen tried to poke life back into her hair.

Jeremy choked back his laughter.

"What in the hell?" She came across a wet spot on the top of her head. "Oh...Ewwww! You are an idiot! You slobbered on my hair while we slept!"

Jeremy could only shrug. "It happens! I didn't know my sleeping habits would actually be something someone would complain about." He smiled and reached for the huge glass door. "I'm going in."

Gwen did not want to go in alone even if she did enter with her annoying neighbor. "Hang on." She caught up and wiped her hands on the back of his shirt.

"Why'd you do that?" Jeremy turned to see Gwen smiling.

"Your drool, your problem." She walked past him and handed her healthcare card to the receptionist at the desk.

The receptionist stood and mistakenly took Jeremy as being her boyfriend. "Miss Printin, your friend will need to stay out here. Only patients are allowed through those doors." 

The two laughed as they pointed at each other. "Oh, we are not friends. But you can keep him out here. That's a great idea. See ya, Jeremy!" Gwen walked through the double doors and disappeared down the hall.

"Okay, who are you then?" The secretary looked up at Jeremy.

"I am here to see Dr. Corber." Jeremy handed the woman his health card and waited for his instructions. 

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