33-To Believe or Not To Believe

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The Day of Reckoning

Madeline dropped Jeremy off at the front entrance. He anxiously entered the clinic a full thirty pounds lighter than in May of that year. He survived some close calls just in the last few months but stood confident believing he no longer had to worry for his future.

His heart began to beat faster with each step knowing he finally made it back to see the woman he fell in love with. Gwen felt so drained of late that she couldn't even take a call from her children the last few nights.

Patricia met Jeremy at the entrance of the clinic. The head nurse welcomed him into the clinic and then walked him through the double doors and into the beating heart of the oncology clinic.

He looked down at the same color lines leading to different destinations in the clinic. Today, Patricia led Jeremy directly to the Rainbow Room where the technician was ready to draw blood.

Jeremy stopped in front of the door. "Before we go any further, I'd like to see Gwen."

"Gwen is not doing so well, Jeremy." The head nurse spoke softly. "Get a few tests done and hopefully she'll be alert enough to recognize you." Nancy walked him inside the Rainbow room.

"Well well well, look who came back." Grace laughed as Jeremy sat in the patient's chair.

"Hey Grace. You know they named a hurricane after you?" Jeremy laughed as he rolled up the sleeve of his flannel shirt. In just minutes the five vials were filled with his blood and the technician left the room.

Jeremy couldn't wait any longer and headed up to Gwen's room. As the elevator doors opened Carolynne seemed surprised to see him looking as well as he did.

"I would have been at the desk to meet you myself but the lab work takes precedence." Carolynne looked Jeremy over. "You seem a lot lighter than the last time you were here."

Jeremy shrugged. "Possibly." He did not like beating around the bushes. "How's Gwen?"

"Jeremy." Carolynne placed a hand on his shoulder. "She doesn't have long. I am sorry."

"After these tests prove I am well." Jeremy spoke confidently. "I expect you to use the same medicine for Gwen."

"Finish the tests first." Carolynne insisted. "Then we'll see if what you have will work."

"Yeah exactly how I imagined this talk would go." The elevator doors opened.

Jeremy exited the elevator and walked directly to Gwen's room. The sign on the door alerted all that enter must wear a gown, gloves and a mask. He suited up and entered.

Gwen had been connected to a specialized monitor measuring heart rate, oxygen, blood pressure, and more. The alarms were silenced so she could rest peacefully.

Jeremy gasped at the sight of the once vibrant woman. She looked exhausted and perilously close to death. He leaned over the railing, pulled his mask down and kissed Gwen's cheek. Her cheeks appeared sunken, her complexion was almost gray, and her lips dried and cracked.

She did not move. He reached down and stroked her right hand with his gloved hand. To Jeremy's surprise Gwen gently gripped his index finger with her frail hand to let who ever know she is still with the living.

Jeremy smiled knowing hope still had not left. "Hey. I made it back." He fought back his emotions. "And I'll never leave you again."

Gwen squeezed a little harder before releasing Jeremy's finger. He kissed her cheek again and whispered. "Don't go anywhere."

He made his way back to the Rainbow room where the Director, and the two doctors were talking. "Well, enough of the speculations. There's no time to lose. Gwen doesn't look so great."

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