Vodka Man

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Same thing here, post it on a art book & I will look at it!

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Same thing here, post it on a art book & I will look at it!


Age:20     Height:7¨10     Gender:Male     Title:Prince Russia of Alexandreia

Parents:Russian Empire(Father, He dead), & nobody knows who the Mother is                                      

Siblings:King Soviet(oldest), Princess Ukiran(2nd oldest), Princess belarus(yougest)

Engaged to:America, daughter of the duke of SE Alexandria

Best friend:Prince India, Germany Jr.(a f*ckton of history on him, will explain later)                              Eyes:Reddish eye color

(a f*ckton of history on him, will explain later)                              Eyes:Reddish eye color

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Russia is known as a tall Prince & somewhat of a rebel, who is HOT as hell. He tries to avoiding royal meetings & conferences at all costs, as he finds them boring to attend. Oftenly, he sneaks out of the castle to live his life how he wants to live it. One day he misses a important meeting that decides who his queen will be. Russia doesn't want to be king, but his older sister, Ukraine, passed down the crown to him because she wanted to live a simpler life with her boyfriend, Canada. He doesn't want to pass down the crown to his little sister belarus, because he doesn't have it in him to pass the weight of being stressed all the time onto her. He's never met his fiance, so he has no idea what to expect. Hes heard the rumors about her, both sides, one being told that she is as beautiful as a Goddess, the other being that she is one of hell's creations. What is he expect of her?

WOW. . . I love writing BIO on characters!!! & again tell me what his eye color should be because I can't decide on it. Anywho, CHAPTER 2 IS DONE!!! Next on my list I believe is France, which I LOVE her outfit!! With love, Joe~

Have  a little. . . YOU KNOW WHAT? Idk what this is. . .

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