Flower girl

44 3 28

Math, am I right?

Just draw her if you want, I don't care if you do or don't want to¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Just draw her if you want, I don't care if you do or don't want to¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Age:28     Height:5¨11     Gender:Female     Title: Princess Ukraine of Alexandria

Parents:Russian Empire(Father, dead) Nobody knows who the mother is.

Siblings:King Soviet(1st), Prince Russia(3rd), Princess Belarus(youngest)

Bestfriend:Canada(But not in the friendly way, if ya know what I mean     ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))     Eye color:Gold

Bestfriend:Canada(But not in the friendly way, if ya know what I mean     ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))     Eye color:Gold

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Ukraine(a lot of this is kinda sad)-

Ukraine was born to the kingdom of Alexandria, as the first born princess. She was pampered & spoiled by her father, Russian Empire, who had always wanted a beautiful daughter. She loved her older brother, Prince Soviet, who was next in line to take the throne, he was always looked annoyed for some reason though. Ukraine never thought about why he always seemed agitated, majorly because he was never angry in front of her exactly. She may have been spoiled & got everything she's ever wanted, which was great, but she always felt lonely, no matter what. Growing up was difficult because of that awful feeling that was eating her out from the inside, & a good way to compromise with the painful feeling was by flirting with others, though it never fully helped, it did make her feel less dead inside. Ukraine once in the middle of the night left her room to go check on her baby new brother, Russia, who was almost a year old. On her way there, she heard people yelling at each other, so being a curious little kid, she followed the noise to her father's office. She peaked through the partially open door, & saw her father yelling at her older brother, Soviet, who was. . . CRYING!?!? She had never seen her brother cry before, not even after falling off horse, causing him to lose vision in his right eye. She listened in & heard jaw dropping information. Soviet was a homosexual, only attracted to men who were more feminine then a normal man. Soviet looked at the door & saw Ukraine, thankfully their father didn't notice, to busy yelling & lecturing him on what a mistake he was & that he wished he was never born. He looked back to his father so he wouldn't draw any attention to Ukraine, fearing he might do something to her, even if she was the favorite, wouldn't be shown any mercey when RE was mad. RE went up to Soviet & slapped him hard across the face, causing Soviet to fall back onto the ground. Ukraine watched in horror as her older brother was being beaten senseless, & when RE was finished, he told him to get out & that he didn't want to see his face for the rest of the night. Soviet limped out of the room shutting the door behind him, & collapsing from how weak he was at the moment. Ukraine helped her tall brother up & to his room, which wasn't even that nice of a room, sure it was big, & had a lots of good quality stuff, but it had lots of weapon damage from before it even became Soviets room, it was given to him for that reason. Ukraine left to get a butler or a maid to help him with his injuries, & once she did she made them promise to never tell anyone about it, & she did it by threatening to send him to the dungeon, which she could do. After that she went to see her little baby brother. . . When Ukraine got older, her older brother challenged their father for the throne, it was a fierce dual, but Soviet won & became king. Ukraine was 13 at the time, her little brother Russia was 5, & her little sister Belarus was 3, & her big brother 23. Ukraine had grown a little distant from her father, because she found what her father did to Soviet unforgivable, even if he was different, he was still a living person. Ukraine was still dealing with the loneliness that was her closet companion, the fake emotions she showed towards others wasn't helping that much anymore. Her happiness was starting to fade away as she grew older, but never did she ever think that it would ever come back, until she met an odd boy. He was tall(not taller than Soviet, but still very tall), had the most beautiful green eyes ever, cute little freckles, wavy red hair, & an adorable hat, though there was something off about him, something that gave him a dark aura. . . She felt that missing piece of her come back to life, & she wasn't going to just let that feeling slip away. She learned that his name was Canada, he was 17, & just so happen to be the son of her father's bestfriend, Mr. Londan. They talked for a while, until Ukraine got tired of just talking, so she started flirting, which made Canada flirt back. Most guys that could see this, thought they knew what was gonna happen, because most of them that could see the two, had all been played by Ukraine before. But all to their surprise, she pulled him into a kiss, something that she never did to anybody she ever played with. Canada was extremely turned on by this, Ukraine had stolen his first kiss & she gave him hers, & the rest of the night for the two of them, lets just say it was¨Very plesareing¨. . .  About a year later, Canada came to her with a dark secret of his, something he had hid for a while now. Canada was the famous serial killer who went by the of ¨The Crimson Devil¨, but to his surprise, instead of screaming & running from him, she kissed & told him that she already thought that it was him. She promised to keep his secret safe & to never tell anybody, so that they could always stay together. . . Right after the day of Russia's 11th birthday, Soviet had had enough of his father, always shunning him, telling him that he was a failure, never going to be good enough, he snapped & choked his father to death. RE was mourned for, but not for very long, as RE never had that great of relationships with his children, the only one that took a while to get over his death was Ukraine. She loved her father, even though he had done horrible things & would never forgive him for that, she was always close to him while growing up, he had always made time for her, no matter what was going on. Canada saw she was sad & did everything he could do to help her get through her sadness, which she eventually did. . . When Ukraine was the age of 27, rumors of Canada's Stepmother, Native America, & half sisters, USA & America, started to spread around, she was very annoyed by this, because she had heard a lot about them from Canada, how kind & sweet they were, & then there were the people that spoke of them as evil creatures that were sent from hell. She herself couldn't do much because it didn't involve he. Ukraine soon turned 28, things weren't looking any better for the rumors that only seemed to worsen by each passing day, & that's when Soviet announced some jaw dropping news to his siblings. . . Russia, prince of Alexandria, next in line to the throne, was to be wed to the youngest child & the only daughter of the london family, America. The only thing that was going through Ukraine head was this. . .

¨I'm going to be an aunt!!!¨

Why are you like this Ukraine? WHY??? Ontomoreimportantstuff- Thank you to all of the people that have been reading for this long! BIG THANKS to Tooti313 who helped me get this freakshow of a book off the ground!!! With love, Joe~

(I hate the person who made this) ಠ⌣ಠ

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