Whos a good girl?

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I'm not in highschool, but I heard that they do this (my older sister I believe did it. . .)


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Age:2     Height:18 inches tall(small for a golden retriever)     Gender:Bitch(Female)     Title:(She's a dog, she doesn't a title)

Parents:Trevor(Father, Alpha), Blair(Mother, Omega)

Siblings:Tucker(oldest pup, Beta)

Bestfriend:Lorelei(alpaca), America, USA, NZ, May(sheep)                          Eye color:Green & Blue

Bestfriend:Lorelei(alpaca), America, USA, NZ, May(sheep)                          Eye color:Green & Blue

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                                                                       (Eye color)

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                                                                       (Eye color)


Okay, she's not like other golden retrievers, she's semi short for one & has heterochromia. Ari was born into a rich family as the second puppy. She didn't mind getting groomed & getting attention, she loved it. Ari liked to run around outside with her very fluffy Alpaca & sheep friends, Lorelei & May. Ari once found a way out of the field & because she was curious, she left to the town. When she got there, she was met with many smells, such as fresh baked goods, fruits, meats & more. Walking around for a while longer, she was encountered with a bigger dog. It looked to be a mix of some sort. It had a blue collar with a golden name tag that read the name Michail. Michail was the prince's pet, though Ari didn't seem to know that, as she sniffed him. Ari then noticed a tall man walking up behind Michail. She got scared & slowly started to back off, shuting her eyes tightly, expecting to get attacked or something like that. The unexpected happened when she smelt a overwhelmingly good smell of meat, & she opened her eyes to see the hand of the tall man, holding a piece of steak. She took the meat & started to eat it happily, not noticing him grab her identification tag & looking at it. He called the other dog over, & told him to get a good wif of the collar, to help lead her home. The dog took in her homes cent, & stated sniffing the air the tall man petted her head & stood up telling the other dog something in a different language that she couldn't understand, but it looked like the other dog understood, as he barked at Ari to follow him, which she did. Ari found Michail very interesting, looking friendly & docile, yet stern & scary at the same time, he must be an Alpha, though he was very different from normal Alphas. The older dog stopped in the middle of his tracks, smelling the air, then getting into a defensive posture in front of Ari, who was confused on why he was doing it until she smelled the air to a unpleasant smell. It was the smell of an Alpha, no doubt about it. What was worse, you could tell it was in a rut, making it all the more dangerous to be near. Ari being an Omega was one of her flaws, as being an Omega was majorly to be a stress reliever & a toy for an Alpha to play with & to claim for its own. The Alpha could most likely smell her fear that was radiating off of her, which the Alpha used to track down where they were. The Alpha finally came into view, revealing a large dog, an Irish Wolfhound. It saw her, then Michail, & started growling at the slightly bigger dog. Michail let the other make the first move, it ran at him & sunk its teeth into Michail fur, though Michail barely reacted to it. Michail made his move after a few moments of letting the other dog try to hurt him, he went for his neck biting down on it, causing the other Alpha to yelp, but not enough to make him give up. As the two Alphas, Ari watched with fright at the starting to get bloody scene. She hoped that Michail would win, because, believe it or not, dogs normally would prefer not to get raped, as shocking as it sounds. Ari wished she could help but knew that if she did, she could get really hurt or even killed. Finally the other dog backed down & ran off, & surprisingly, Michail wasn't hurt to bad. Ari felt bad for getting him into that, she felt that she was the one who caused him this harm. She licked a few of his wounds, as an apology for getting him hurt. He licked her on the face in a way that said that she didn't need to be sorry, & that it was all going to be okay. A while later, they finally made it back to her home with no more interruptions, which was a good thing because even if Michail wasn't hurt, he was weakened from the fight. Ari gave him a few more licks, just to tell him that she was sorry for all the trouble she had caused him, & of course, he gave her a few more licks to tell her that it was going to be alright. The Omega responded with a nod & gave him a nuzzle that meant goodbye, & he did so as well. Ari after he left, felt sad. Sad that she would never get to see him again, though little did she know, that they were going to be seeing each other soon. . .  

Very soon. . .

Jesus, who knew writing a chapter about a dog would be so tiring? Whatever, Thank you 400 reads! With love, Joe~ 

Here is what Michail looks like(He's a Saint Berhusky)

Here is what Michail looks like(He's a Saint Berhusky)

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& these are Lorelei(Alpaca) & May(sheep)

& these are Lorelei(Alpaca) & May(sheep)

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