Tea Time

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You all know what to do here by now, if ya draw it then tell me & i will check it out!

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You all know what to do here by now, if ya draw it then tell me & i will check it out!


Age:61     Height:6¨2     Gender:Male     Title:Duke Britain of SE Alexandria

Parents:British Empire(Father, still alive) Mother is unknown

Siblings:Duke England of SW Josefina(2nd oldest),  Scotland the unicorn watcher(3rd eldest),  Duchess Northern Ireland of Eastern Josefina(4th eldest),  Wales the dragon tamer(youngest)

Bestfriend:England(it used to be Russian Empire, but he got killed to death, R.I.P. RE  Ú-Ù)            Eyes:Royal blue

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                                                                                    (Eye color)


Being the oldest son of a rich man, Britain had many responsibilities on his hands. Though he had to be tough & serious, he was always causing trouble with his younger siblings. 2 of his younger siblings were very special, Scotland & Wales. Scotland had been born with A Unicorn tale, ears, & horn, & Wales was born With dragon wings, a dragon tail, & small dragon horns. Britain's father, British Empire, was planning on selling them into either slavery or human exhibits, but Britain, England, & Northern Ireland wouldn't let that happen, so their father eventually gave up, letting the hybrid children stay though they were never treated well, more like animals than people. As time went on, Britain helped his brothers learn how to hide their unique body parts, taught them how to read & write, & took them to see rare sights! He soon got to the age to where he could leave his home & start his own life. He left his home, the kingdom of Josefina, & started his travels, going from kingdom to kingdom, until he found the place he knew he was going to call home, Alexandria. He got a job & quickly moved up in ranks. He was heard of by the soon to be king, prince Russian Empire. RE invited the 26 year old British man on a hunting expedition, which Britain accepted almost instantly. When they meet, they became good friends right then & there. While they were at their camp talking, they heard a bell that was attached to one of their traps they had set up that was deeper in the woods. When they got to where the trap was set, instead of finding a animal, they found a women. . . RE identified her as one of the natives that lived in the SouthEast tribes, near where Britain lived. When they got her free of the trap, Britain quickly fell in love with the native. She was young with long black hair with a white streak running all the way through it, her eyes were a beautiful dark lavender purple eyes, skin pale with some sort of flower in the middle of her flag. She said that she was 18 years old, which came to a shock for the 2 taller as she was very short for someone her age. She was hurt by the trap so she stayed with them until it was time for them to leave. The more Britain was around her, the more apparent it became that he was in love with her. Native America was starting to grow feelings for the British man, soon enough, she had taken him to meet her father so he could ask for his blessing. Her father, the chief, was pleased by the man & was gave him his blessing. They got married & lived happily. A few years passed, when he met a another women that gave him the same feelings as NA gave him. She was in need of a job, which he happily provided. Time went on & NA saw how his eyes sparkled when he saw French girl, & NA had nothing against him being in love with her, so when Britain confessed about this to Native America, she was very little surprised by it, infact, she welcomed France with open arms! A while after France & Britain got married, Britain was blessed with the news that NA was going to be having a child. USA was finally born after 9 months long months, a few years come & go by, & Britain gets a second son who they name canada, who was born of France. More years go by & the twins were born, also offspring of France. & finally, their only daughter, America was born. America grew with such beauty that often, people would ask if she were born of an angle, which he always replied to as a yes, as Britain always saw an angle when he looked at Native America. But all good thing come to an end, when the rumors of his being a ¨Savage¨ started to spread, which people being people, began to look at USA, NA, & America with hatred & disgust. Britain had only one thing he could think of doing. . . About a year or so before Canada was born, the king's oldest son, Prince Soviet challenged his father to a dual, which if the king lost he would, Soviet would get the crown. If Soviet lost, he would have to train more until he was strong enough to defeat his father, & to most everyone's surprise, Soviet was given the crown. . . Britain never really liked the new king especially because after his youngest brother, princes Russia trunded 11, he had killed RE with his own hands, not even stunned by what he did. Britain had grieved over the loss of his friend for the many years after that, but he knew what he had to do. . . He went to the king & promised his only daughter's hand to the youngest prince, Russia of Alexandria. . .

OKAY!!! WE GOT TO THE ONE I HAVE BEEN KINDA DYING TO GET TO!!! Thank you to all of my readers for getting me over 132 reads!!! With love, Joe~

Have a Rusame picture while you're here~

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