Smaller Australia

35 1 19

God, that thing is cursed.  .  .

So what shall it be Mr

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So what shall it be Mr. Bond? Draw him or perish in the river below?(Also I just want to make it clear, they don't have ears or noses)

New Zealand-

Age:22     Height:6¨2     Gender:Male     Title:New Zealand, the poet

Parents:Britain(Father), France(Mother), Native America(Step-mum)

Siblings:USA(1st), Canada(2nd) Australia(twin, 3rd), America(4th)

Bestfriend:May(pet sheep), Lorelei(pet alpaca), Ari(pet dog)     Eye color:Emerald green

                                                                                 (Eye color)

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                                                                                 (Eye color)

New Zealand- 

New Zealand & Australia were born twins, & having said that, you'd think that they would be the closest of friends, right? Well no, quite the opposite actually. They always got into a fight about something, just for the sake of it. New Zealand never really liked anybody in his family, though he did care about them. He often just spent his time with his pets, which was a sheep, alpaca, & a dog. The sheep was his actual pet, while the other two belonged to his sisters, USA & Ame. Zealand normally went to the field that was outside of his house to hang out with the animals, & write poetry. New Zealand was an excellent poet, he was so good that he published his own book, 'Sorrowful lies that of angel', & almost overnight, it became a huge success. He started to write to the write more & more until he had a full series of books, 8 in all. Life was wonderful for him, but things started to go downhill within a few years of his fame, not downhill for him or his career, but for his step-mum & sisters. New Zealand cared a lot about his sisters & step-mum, though he never showed it. At dinner one night, NZs father, Britain, announced that he found a way for the rude criticism & hate towards NA, USA, & sweet little America to come to a end. After UK said what was to be done, the first to object was Zealand's older brother, Canada. Britain told Canada that it was the best way to get it to stop, & though didn't like the plan, he went along with it anyway. NZ is very curious on how things were to turn out. He just hopes America will be treated well by her soon to be husband.

I need a drink of water (;-;). . . But that's not important right now!! Thank you for 300+ reads!!! Would any of you guys like to learn a little bit about me? Just ask me!! With love, Joe~

(Rusame sh!t)

(Rusame sh!t)

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