Sharing is comminsum

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(It's everybody's favorite commie!!! You should draw him in that outfit-)

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(It's everybody's favorite commie!!! You should draw him in that outfit-)


Age:37     Height:8¨8     Gender:Male     Title:King Soviet/USSR, ruler of Alexandria

Parents:Russian Empire(That asshole), & he only met his mother once when he was very young

Siblings:Princess Ukraine(2nd), prince Russia(3rd), Princess Belarus(Youngest)

Bestfriend:Germany sr.(They're frenemies, & no they are not lovers, & not ever going to be lovers), & once they meet, USA(or will they *+ germany sr.* be more than just friends( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ?)  Eye color:Eye under eyepatch is blind(it started to glow pink once he met USA, indicating he got a lust eye *It will be explained later*), & the other is a gold color

* be more than just friends( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ?)  Eye color:Eye under eyepatch is blind(it started to glow pink once he met USA, indicating he got a lust eye *It will be explained later*), & the other is a gold color

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(WARNING!!! Physical abuse mentions)


Soviet wasn't necessarily the luckiest guy in the world. Sure, he had been born into royalty, ate the finest of food, got whatever his heart desired, & lived the dream. But that didn't mean anything to him, after all, a puppet can't move without someone pulling on it's strings. He had very little control over his life, he was only there to be toyed with by his father, RE. Russian Empire was a great father to him when he was little, but as he got older, his father became more cruel & naglective towards his son, & this made Soviet feel angered more than sad. around when soviet was 16, he was in a session of horseback riding, & thing were going fine, everything going according to how it was supposed to go. That was until the horse he was riding got spooked by a snake. Soviet tried to keep the horse under control but failed as he was thrown off the back of the horse, landing face first into a oh-so ¨conveniently¨ placed log. When he awoke, he saw nothing from his right eye, but from his left, instead of meeting a worried father, he saw a furious one instead. Lets just say Soviet was chewed out with words for his mistake, & learned not to do it again, or there would be bigger consequences for it next time, rather than just being heavily lectured. As time went on, Soviet found out something he wished that wasn't true, something he knew that would make his father lose his shit over. He found out he was gay. . . Even from a young age, Soviet never was really interested in girls, they just all seemed the same to him, nothing interesting. But whenever he met a boy with a more feminine physique, a sweet voice, or just into the more feminine culture, he would feel light headed, face turning a darker shade of red from a heavy blush, his hands would feel sweaty, & he would just want to hug the one that made him feel this way. But he never would do it, not while his father was around. it was about a year or so, after his loss of vision, things only got worse for his life. His father had somehow found out his secret, & lord it was not pretty with their. . . ¨DIscussion¨. The prince was summoned to his father's office, not really knowing why. Once he got there, he felt the cold tension that was in there. His father sat at his desk, leaning forward with his hands folded & eye shut. Even though he seemed calm, you could most certainly tell that something was off about him, as RE looked agitated. His father opened his one eye, & that's when knew he was going to be in hells hands. Russian Empire's eye glew a gold color, one of his most iconic traits, along with his deep & thick accent. RE at first spoke calmly, getting out of his chair & leaning on his desk, asking him a few questions. That all changed when a dark chuckle left from the older male, sending a chill up his spine. His father then asked the question that Soviet hoped he would never hear from the mouth of his father. . . He asked when was Soviet planning to tell him that he was a "Gay fagget" as his father would put it. (A/N:By the way, NEVER EVER call someone that!! The origins of it are extremely rude & hurtful!!) Soviet squeezed his eye shut, trying to hold back tears, but it became pointless as to even try as the king started to yell at him. RE was a little shocked, as Soviet has never cried before in his life on earth. But that didn't stop the insults from leaving the kings mouth, slowly eating away at the young man's emotions, leaving nasty mental scars. Soviet's eye traveled to the door, wanting to look anywhere but his father. His eye met with a pair of scared & confused golden eyes, his little sisters eyes. Soviet didn't want to draw any attention to her so he looked back in the direction of has ranting father that only seemed to be getting angrier by the seconds. RE finally got up & stormed over to his crying son, giving him a nasty slap across the face. Soviet fell from just how much fore was in it, he had been slapped before, but never this hard. He wasn't given enough time to get up, as the older Russian kicked him in the stomach, arms, legs, & other places that are not going to be mentioned. Once the Empire was finished, he told him to get out & that he didn't want to see his face for the rest of the night. Soviet barely managed to get onto his trembling legs, & limped towards the large doors & exited the room. After shutting the doors behind him, he fell to the ground, every ounce of energy was drained from him. Ukraine was still there, her expression looked horrified, concerned, confused & many other things mixed with it. She helped Soviet to his room, & got one of the palace staff to help him, & made sure they kept it secret. Soviet didn't come out of his room for many days afterwards, & only having visitors when Ukraine would demand to be let in with a doctor. Soviet, after healing his injuries, had decided that from that point on, he was no longer going to be a disappointment. The young Soviet had started working harder than he ever had before, not stopping when his lessons were over. He had improved his skills by a lot. At first, he could barely maneuver a sword & ride a horse at the same time, but now he was able to stand on a horse, while blindfolded & getting a precise hits on his enemies physical weak points. & he felt ready, ready to make the one that hurt him suffer. He challenged his father for the crown, which RE accepted, only thinking it would be a quick duel that he would win. Oh how wrong he was, how VERY wrong he was. Soviet was an amazing fighter, such a great one that he actually, not by much, but beaten nonetheless. Soviet was crowned king, his younger siblings, Ukraine & Russia, were very proud of him (Belarus didn't care, she was only 3). Soviet THOUGHT that by defeating his father for the throne, he would get more respect from his father, but BOY was he wrong! If anything, RE only became more verbally abusive (Because Soviet became king, he could be given the death penalty for showing any physical harm towards him). Soviet was finally done with listening to his father, every crul word, comment, side remarks, all of it. It was the day after his younger brothers birthday, that he had finally snapped. Soviet was in RE's old office, as it was now his. RE had been in there with him, telling him every little thing he was messing up, & that even if he was king, that he would only ever be a shadow in his glory. Soviet lunged at the Empire, ringing his hands around his neck. RE was most certainly not expecting that, so he was very unprepared when he suddenly wasn't able breath. They fell to the ground, Soviet not even slightly loosen his grip on the older man's neck. RE struggled under his sons grip, trying to get air into his suffocating lungs. Soviets grip tightened grip, making sure he wouldn't be able to breath at all, after all, he wanted to see his father die a painful death. After a few minutes, RE stopped moving, his face looked purplish from the lack of air. Soviet however, didn't stop. He wanted to make sure that he was dead, he wanted him to be gone forever. Once Soviet had stopped, he got up calmly & exited his studies. He ran into Germany sr., & told him to go clean his office. He walked to his room & shut his door, going to his closet & getting into his sleepwear, & going to sleep. . . A few years had passed since Soviet had strangled RE, & things were going great, beside the fact that there had been a rumor going around about one of his RE's old friends wife. Soviet was familiar with Britain, he used to come around a lot when Soviet was younger, but not as much as when the news of Soviet killing RE had gotten to him. The rumor was about two of his children, & his first wife. It was said that the mother was a Native of a tribe that wasn't liked by the town, & her children were evil spawns of that tribe, trying to poison the society that they lived in. USSR wasn't really thrilled by the news, the fact that people were being judged because they were different, didn't sit well with him. But, there wasn't anything he could really do about it, as he knew damn well that most people wouldn't listen to him if he tried to tell them that it wasn't wrong to be different. It wasn't until a familiar British man came to him, asking him for help with this problem. An agreement between the two was formed, the youngest prince of Alexandria(Russia) & the youngest child of dritian, his only daughter(America), were going to get married. Soviet was glad to help, but the hard part was going to be getting Russia on board with the idea(Which was surprisingly not as difficult as he thought it was going to be-). Soviet is hopeful that through this marriage, things are going to look up in the future. He hopes that people will stop the discrimination, & come to terms that being different is ok, & we shouldn't be ashamed of those differences. He just wants everyone to understand, you need to appreciate every person & their unique traits & personalities, if you give kindness to them, it always manages to make its way back to you, weather it's in the form of a physical gift, or returning it in the form of words. Kindness will always be an option, no matter what everyone else says.

So this took a long ass time to write, I mean, look at it! That is a shit load of words!!! But anyway, thank you for reading this chapter! I know it's been a while, so here is a chapter that should last you a while. Till next time!!!

With love, a Joe who got a pet frog for her B-day, & is over covid!!!~

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With love, a Joe who got a pet frog for her B-day, & is over covid!!!~

(No longer sick my favorite bitches!!!)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2021 ⏰

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