How to be a potato

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Were just going to ignore that picture from up above. . .

Draw her or get stabbed with the Rainbow fork(& that is a threat)

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Draw her or get stabbed with the Rainbow fork(& that is a threat)


Age:17     Height:5¨10     Gender:Female     Title:Princess Belarus of Alexandria

Parents:Russian Empire(Father, he's still dead) Nobody knows who the mother is(still)

Bestfriend:Norway(he's a personal servant for her, but also a loving boyfriend)     Eyes:Brownish reddish 

Bestfriend:Norway(he's a personal servant for her, but also a loving boyfriend)     Eyes:Brownish reddish 

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Belarus was the youngest child of RE, & the last. She was never close to Russian Empire, as he never was really around because the new king, Soviet did not allow it, though she really didn't care much, she had her own problems to deal with. She was always the one who complained about most everything, not wanting to eat her dinner, not wanting to do her classes, being bored, wanting new toys & many other things, she was a headache that you just couldn't get rid of. Her complaints finally started to get under Soviets skin, to the point he couldn't take it anymore. Soviet assigned her a personal servant, who would be by her side at all times, take care of all her want & needs. He was young, a few months older than her, had red hair with a blue & white streak running through it, cute little dimples, & on his own free time, he wore a viking helmet. Bela found this boy very cute, so cute that she would care less about herself & focus all of her attention on him. The boys name was Norway, he had 2 older brothers, & a younger brother & sister, making him the middle child. Belarus would most often spend her day asking him questions about his family, what he liked to do for fun, what his favorite food is, etc. Belarus when she was 12, realized that she was in love with the boy, who she called her bestfriend. She waited till his 13th birthday to tell him, & once the time came, she was a nervous wreck. She would have never thought this was going to be so hard, & she only had one chance to do it. Norway had felt the same feelings ever since the day they first met, & he was also planning on telling her on his birthday, her answer was going to be his surprise. When they did it, they both said it at the same time, causing both of them to be shocked with a pleasant surprise. . .  A few years had passed since they confessed their love to each other, things were moving smoothly & not a problem in sight, at least that's what they thought, little did they know that there was a rumor being spread like wildfire throughout the kingdom. she found out about the rumor when she, Ukraine, & Russia, were called to their oldest siblings office, Soviet announced that Russia was going to be getting married to the youngest child & the only daughter of the London family, America. Belarus was shocked to say the least, maybe she should pay more attention at dinner time when they usually get to see each other. . .

God. . . She's almost as oblivious as Estonia's character in my other AUs. . . Well anywho, Thank you all for reading(So far this is the first chapter in a while that isn't long as fuck) With love, Joe~

(Here is a little something for y'all)

(Here is a little something for y'all)

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