Nature Lady

50 2 15

God, & I have USA, Germany sr, & Sovit in a three some. . . & all of them are boys (USA is trans though)

So humble for a woman whos married to rich man, can we get an 'R' for respect?

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So humble for a woman whos married to rich man, can we get an 'R' for respect?

Native America-

Age:53     Height:5¨6     Gender:Female     Title:Native America, Daughter of chief Wampanoag

Parents:Chief Wampanoag(Father, Super old), Sippewissett(Mother, human, dead)

Siblings:Iyannough(oldest, human), Nanticoke(Youngest, human)

Bestfriend:France (NA is often just listening to france ramble about things while she stays quiet, though she doesn't mind)     Eyes:Dark Lavender Purple(very Rare)

Bestfriend:France (NA is often just listening to france ramble about things while she stays quiet, though she doesn't mind)     Eyes:Dark Lavender Purple(very Rare)

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                                                                           (Rare eye color)

Native America/NA-

Native America was the odd one out of her siblings, she being the only one born with a flag instead of a more human characteristics, such as a nose or ears, though that wasn't ever an issue. Her eyes were the problem, as they were considered rare & unique, a profitable trade item. She often found herself in troublesome situations, trying to run from hunters of the Alexandrian kingdom. Her older brother, Iyannough, was her protector, as he was always there to keep her safe, while her younger brother, Nanticoke, would try to fight people who stared at her for to long, not wanting them to take her eyes. One day, Native America was being chased down by Alexandrian hunters, her brothers weren't around to save her because they & a few others were on a trip to visit one of the neighboring tribes to go to a meeting that only men were aloud to go to, so that left Native America on her own. She left to go into the woods to get some herbs, mostly for medicine use. While she was out there, a group of hunters were struggling to find something to catch, until one of them told the others to shut up, they heard a faint voice in the distance, they quietly got closer to where the noise was coming, only to find Native America(they don't know her name btw). One of them got a quick glimpse of her eyes, & realised it was the girl with rare eyes. The two other must have noticed it to, as the leader said that they would attack in 3... 2... 1--- Native America started running before they could get to one. She knew they were there, but didn't want to alert them that she knew she was being watched. She ran as fast as she could, their voices were grew quieter as she got farther away. She didn't pay attention to how long she was running for, so when she stopped she had just noticed that the sky was starting to get dark. She didn't recognize her surroundings, & it didn't help that the sun was setting, & that there was a mist starting to cover the ground, making it hard to see the ground. She walked for a little while longer until something wrapped around her ankle, lifting her into the air. She was about to grab her small knife she had in her pocket, only to notice that it wasn't in there. She looked around trying to find it, & when she spotted, she had one of those 'you have got to be kidding me' moments, as it sat under her just barely out of her reach. She tried to reach for her ankle, but that was pointless to do, as that made it hurt more than it already did. About 12 or so minutes passed, when she heard the sound of approaching footsteps coming towards her, & that made her panic as started trying to get free(which she was failing at). As the people got closer, Native America started to cry not wanting the people to take her eyes. Someone grabbed the rope, cutting it with a knife he had on hand while the other held her so that she wouldn't hit her head when she fell. Once she was free the shorter of the 2 men asked if she was okay, which she responded with quite yes. She stayed quiet after that, not wanting to draw more attention than she already was. The taller of the 2 men, then asked if she could tell them her name & how old she is. Native America wasn't sure why they needed her name but gave it them anyway, after all, she was defenseless against the two larger beings in front of her. The two men went into discussion for a moment, when all of a sudden the taller one gasped, & bent down to Native America's sitting height, getting a good look at her face. Because NA wasn't expecting that, she had a surprised expression on her face, forgetting to cover her eyes, which gave the man just what he wanted to see, those beautiful eyes of hers. . .  After learning that the tall ones name was Russian Empire, & the shorter ones name was Britain, she was brought back to their camp, to get her injured ankle fixed. After a few days of being with the two, she taught them a  few things, such as weaving baskets & making bracelets, though they weren't good at it. She started to get this weird feeling around Britain, & she knew exactly what that feeling was. . . Love. . . It was small feeling at first, but grew stronger the longer she was there with him. She finally confessed her love after 9 days, & to her surprise, he felt the same way. When she got back to her village, she introduced Britain to her father & mother, Chief Wampanoag & Sippewissett. They both seemed to like him, so they gave him their blessings, though her brothers were fairly cold towards Britain. At Least 2 years later into their marriage, Britain fell in love again, but this time with a french women. Native America saw that he loved her, after all, she was no idiot. She told Britain to go for it, which surprised him, but he didn't protest. After France became apart of the family, Native America gave birth to her first ¨son¨ USA. Canada was born a few years after, then the twins, & finally, after waiting patiently, Britain got the one thing in life he truly wanted, a daughter. America was an adorable little girl, & grew up to be just as beautiful as her mother. Though nothing is ever perfect, as rumors about Native America started to spread like wildfire, & that fire started to spread to USA & America. Native, was more worried about what people said about her children rather than herself, she asked Britain if there was anything he could do, & he said that he would look for a way to stop the discrimination some way. . . Britain announced to his family that he found one way that would work. Giving his only daughters hand to the prince of Alexandria. Native wasn't fully enthusiastic about the idea, but if it was the only way to stop the rumors, then so be it.

That was a shitload of words, thank god it wasn't over 2 thousand words because if it was, I would YEET myself out a window! With love, Joe~

Just a little something here! Happy pride month!~

Just a little something here! Happy pride month!~

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