RvB S4 Ep7 "Previous Commitments"

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The Blues (minus Tucker) are standing around Andy.

Church: You have got to be kidding me. There is no way I'm gonna let this happen.

Tex: I told you, he can do it.

Andy: Yeah, I'm qualified.

Church: Listen I don't doubt, that he can do it. I doubt that I want him to do it. We have Matt, he can do it.

Tex: Do you see Matt anywhere?

Church and the rest of the blues look around. True enough, Matthias is nowhere to be seen.

Church: Fucking piece of shit. Always running off when we need him.

Tex: No, he said he's gonna search around the Fortress. He would never bail on us.

Church: Then why are you getting another transalator if you know he's gonna come back?

Andy: Yeah, you're kinda contradicting yourself there, dude.

Tex: (annoyed) Because I want to understand everything Lovam says, and now. Not whenever Matt decides to stop messing around and come back.

Church: You have a point, but why Andy? He's not exactly the most diplomatic of individuals.

Andy: That's bullshit! You're only saying that 'cause you're a racist.

Church: Racist- bombs are not a race!

Andy: Eh, shut up ya dirty Shisno.

Church: The fu- are you serious?! We're finally make contact with Lovam on our own for once, and our first attempt at communication is gonna be through a bomb? Am I the only person who has a problem with this?

Andy: Well unless you've got your English to Blarg-blarg dictionary, I don't think you got a choice, now do ya.

Caboose: Matt gave me one of those, but I threw it out. It didn't have many pictures.

Tex: I'm sure this'll be fine.

Church: You know I feel that I'm gonna regret this, but I feel even more that I just don't care, and that watching this whole thing unravel might be kinda interesting. Go for it.

Tex: Alright, where's Lovam?

Church: Oh shit, I forgot.

Outside the Fortress

Lovam is still beating the shit out of the back of Tucker's head.

Tucker: (with each strike, as if bored) Ow, ow, ow...

Blood Gulch

Donut is riding around in O'Malley's Ghost.

Donut: Grif. Oh Griiiiiiiif... ...Grif!

Grif: Huh, great.

Donut: There you are, where've you been?

Grif: Right here.

Donut: I've been lookin' all over for you. I looked in the base, I looked around the base, I looked on top of the base, I looked in the base again-

Grif: I think you need to learn what "all over" means.

Donut: Anyway, Sarge wants you to come back to the base, and-

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