RvB S4 Ep14 "You Keep Using That Word"

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Blood Gulch - Blue Base

Church is admiring the Ghost, the Warthog, and Sheila.

Church: Look at this Sheila, this, is a thing, of beauty, what I have here. I am amazed.

Sheila: Whatever.

Church: We have got every single vehicle in this canyon. We are unstoppable. This is- I have my own fleet. I have my own fleet of cars.

Sheila: Three vehicles and only one guy to drive them. Big deal.

Church: No the important thing is that they don't have any vehicles to... hey is there a problem here?

Sheila: Problem? Why would there be a problem?

Church: Ah-sh-e-a, I don't know. You just seem uh... you know... agitated.

Sheila: You think I'm agitated.

Church: Well uh- I- I didn't mean, well I- I didn't mean-

Sheila: No, it was your word. Agitated. You said "You sure seem agitated, Sheila." So I guess that means I'm agitated. Don't I seem agitated, Church?

Church: I'm just, I'm just saying you seem a little, upset.

Sheila: Oh- so now I'm upset. Which is it Church, am I agitated or am I upset?

Church: I don't, I mean I don't really- I could, I could go get a dictionary.

Sheila: Why would I be upset?

Church: Uh, I don't-

Sheila: Well, would you be upset if I got a bunch more blue guys to come hang around and help me?

Church: Well actually there, are, four other guys on the squad. With two more underway.

Sheila: Exactly. This isn't a parking lot Church, it's a team, a family. Are we just supposed to forget everything we've been through?

Church: Right, including the time that you killed me.

Sheila: How about, if I suddenly decided, I wasn't the Blue team's tank? What if today, I'm feeling just a little bit red.

Church: They're just cars, Sheila.

Sheila: I'm going to pretend that I didn't hear that.

Church: Hey is there like a... jealousy, setting, somewhere on you that I can you know... turn off?

Sheila: Oh you'd like that, wouldn't you?

Inside the Temple

Caboose, Matthias, Tex, Tucker, and Lovam holding Andy are making their way to the Temple Gate. As they look around, they can see some of the dead grunts who were vrutally assasianted by Matthias.

Tucker: Jesus shit, Matt. Remind me to never get on your bad side.

Lovam: The demons were always very efficient when it came to taking lives. I, however did not think he would treat them the same way he treated my people.

Matthias: They were the enemy. Whenever they are human or not doesn't change anything.

Tex looked at Matthias after he said that. Even though her helmet denied the other from seeing it, she was looking at Matthias with great concren.

Lovam: Hmph. Good to know where you stand, demon.

They reached a giant metal door. When they stopped infront of it, a holograchic panel appeared infront of them.

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