RvB S4 Ep10 "Setting a High Bar"

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Burnt Plains

Matthias, Tucker, Caboose, Lovam and Andy are walking through some burnt plains.

Andy: Hey, he's been explaining to me everything we should encounter. The legend's pretty old, but the details are pretty clear.

Matthias: Yeah. And everytime it just gets more and more bizarre.

Tucker: Listen dude, I don't care what you say, I'm not killing any monsters.

Matthias: If you become my taster when we get home, I'll slay the creature in your name.

Tucker: Taster as in...

Matthias: *sigh* Taster as in the one who will taste the food I made, and determine whenever it's good or not.

Tucker: Can't you just do that yourself?

Matthias: Dude, once you live a few years on the battlefield, you tend to lose some levels of your taste.

Tucker: What?

Matthias: Think of it this way. Summerize the levels of tastes you can experience in an ascending order.

Tucker: Inedible, disgusting, ew, meh, okay, not bad, good, amazing, fucking delicious.

Matthias: Well, for me it's inedible, good, amazing, fucking delicious.

Tucker: That's rough, buddy.

Beatrice: You don't know the half of it. This one time-

Andy: Hey, don't interrupt! It's hard enough to translate without you two chatting!

Lovam: The teal one must be the one to puts an end to the evil reign of this being!

Tucker: What's he saying now?

Matthias: Basically you gota be the one to kill that thing.

Tucker: Oh, well, if this little quest depends on me killing stuff, we might as well just stop here.

Andy: Eh, don't be a chicken.

Tucker: I'm not chicken. I'm just... okay, I'm chicken.

Lovam: Chicken? What is that?

Andy: A knee-tall nasty little bird. Humans enjoy eating their wings and legs. Along with the white stuff that comes out of their butts!

Lovam: That's disgusting!

Matthias: Wait! It's more complicated than that!

Tucker: What's he saying?

Andy: He wanted to know what a chicken is. I told him it's this nasty little bird that humans eat. And you also eat the white things that shoot out of its butt.

Tucker: You know you could have cleaned that up a little bit.

Beatrice: A little?! How about all of it!?

Andy: I did! They don't come out of its butt, you know!

Lovam: You damn humans are disgusting!

Andy: Heh yeah, they're pretty disgusting.

Tucker: Chickens aren't that bad.

Andy: He was talkin' about you guys. He's not a big fan. I'm not either.

Lovam: Their homeworld must be horrible.

Andy: Yeah. Earth sucks.

Tucker: Hsh, Earth does not suck, Earth rules. We invented the telephone.

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