RvB S4 Ep13 "Sneaking In"

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The Blue guys are guarding the temple/base that Matthias is supposed to attack.

Blue Grunt 1: Hey Reds! We're guarding the shit outta this wall, you suck!

Red Grunt: Your wall's easy to guard, try ours!

Blue Grunt 2: You don't even have a roof up there, you suck. What're you guarding it from, birds?

Red Grunt: You suck.

Blue Grunt 2: You suck.

Blue Grunt 1: You suck.

Red Grunt: You suck.

Blue Grunt 1: You suck.

Blue Grunt 2: You suck.

Blue Grunt 1: You suck.

Red Grunt: You suck.

Blue Grunt 2: No you do!

Red Grunt: We suck. No you suck.

Blue Grunt 1: Okay never mind.

Blue Grunt 2: You suck!

Far away from the Temple, Tucker, Caboose, Lovam and Tex are standing on a cliff.

Tucker: Oh, those guys? How did they get here?

Tex: Shut up, Tucker.

Caboose: Matthias told us to be quiet.

Tucker: Guys, we're three hundred yards away. I don't think they heard us.

Red Grunt: I think I heard something.

Tex: Way to go, dipshit.

Tucker: I'm sure that was just a coincidence.

Matthias arrives inside the temple.

Andy: Alright. After he takes out those three one by one, we probably stand a chance.

Inside the Temple

Matthias: Beatrice, count my kills. And take those three outside down from the list. I don't want the others to interfere. GLaDOS, look for any additional points of entry. Wheatley, run a thermal scan. I want to know where each of the soldiers are.

Beatrice: Roger that. 65 heads remaining.

GLaDOS: There is a vent opening 30 feet away from us. It will provide us an excellent entryway into the temple grounds.

Wheatley: Thermal scan complete. I will inform you wherever we are getting close to them.

Matthias: Perfect.

Matthias removed the grates and entered the vent, deactivating his Active Camouflage in the process in order to conserve power. The three guards on the wall didn't notice anything.

Outside the Temple

Tucker: Uummmm... aren't they supposed to be... you know, dying?

Andy: Yeah. You think something bad happened?

Tex: Maybe he's just waiting for the right moment.

Tucker: Well... I guess we have to play the waiting game then.

Inside the Temple

Matthias was crawling through the vents with minimal noise. Thakfully, there were a lot of openings in the vents, so finding targets was very easy. Like this group of 4 soldiers right under him, with two more right around the corner.

Red vs Blue Season 4 /w Spartan Matthiasजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें