RvB Out of Mind Part II

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Somewhere in a random city, Tex comes up behind a guy at a door and points her gun at him.

Tex: Alright freeze!

Guy: Oh... Sorry officer, I uh, lost my keys to my shop here an I was, trying to figure out a way to, you know um...

The guy pulls out a pistol and quickly turns around. But before he could do anything else, the pistol was ripped out of his hands, then his legs were kicked out from under him, causing him to fall on the floor, and then feel the stinging pain of an armored knee landing on his back. He then heard the clip getting pulled out of his pistol, then pulling the chamber, causing the bullet to fall on the pavement with a small click.

Guy: Oh my goodness.

Tex: (lowers gun) You never were a very good liar York. Or that good of a fighter for that matter.

York: (grunts) York, haven't been called York in a really long time. Hello Allison.

Tex: (lying) I haven't been called Allison in a really long time.

York: Care to introduce me to your new friend here?

Tex: (sigh) Ghost, you can let go of him. He's not gonna hurt me.

Matthias: >If you say so.<

York: (slowly gets up) Oh no, another voice changer? No wonder you guys get along so well. You're both insecure.

Tex: Like you have any right to talk. Petty thefts? Seems like a waste of your talents.

York: Hey, whatever pays the rent. There's not much call for a former infiltration specialist these days.

Tex: I think that's about to change. There's a place I need to get in to and they don't want me to get in to it.

York: You know, they never do? What do you think D, should we trust her?

A glowing green avatar pops up next to his shoulder

Delta: Hmm, that depends. Is he still with her?

Tex: What the, you still have yours!?

Delta: (changing colors to red) Alarm, threat level raised. 71% chance of violent outcome.

York: Okay, take it easy.

Delta: (returning to green) Chance of defeating Agent Omega Texas and Mercenary "Ghost" in combat is extremely unlikely.

Matthias: >Excuse me? Since when am I a mercenary?<

Tex: What's going on here?

York: Thank you D. Look, put the weapon down Tex. Delta's not a threat to anyone, never was. You know, if anyone should be nervous about onboard passengers around here it should be me.

Tex: Well don't be nervous. Omega's gone.

Delta: Chance of defeating Agent Texas: still very unlikely. Chance of defeating companion Ghost: unlikely, based on previous experince.

York: Okay, I get it. Thank you, retire now.

Delta: Executing. (shuts off)

York: Let's go inside.

York's Apartment

The group are standing in the living room.

Tex: Nice place, you furnish it yourself?

York: Actually, I had an interior decorator help me. ...She's dead now. Look, Tex, are you absolutely sure he's not anywhere in that head of yours?

Tex: Omega's gone. That's why I'm here.

York: Oh. Let me guess: he's gone, but that's not good enough. You wanna kill him too.

Tex: He spent a lot of time in my head, York. You know what it's like: whatever they think, we think. Whatever we know, they know.

York: Hyheah, I'm familiar. Remember all Reggie's dumb knock-knock jokes?

Tex: York, this is serious. Omega wants to do a lot of bad things. I already know where he is, I just need your help to get in.

York: Why?

Tex: He's not alone. Wyoming.

York: Uhh, speak of the devil. Okay, let's say I do this. What's in it for me?

Tex: Payback. How's the vision in your eye?

York: Still blurry... Hurts when I read.

Tex: Well then, how 'bout a little revenge?

York: You know, technically, you're the reason I have one bad eye.

Tex: No, technically I'm the reason you still have one good eye.

York: Hhhh, whad daya think, D?

Delta: (reappearing) Agent Texas poses a serious risk to any mission. The spontaneous ejection of A.I. can be catastrophic to the psyche of an agent.

York: She seems okay to me.

Delta: May I remind you what happened when Program Gamma removed itself from Agent Wyoming.

York: That won't be necessary, D. Look, what's your recommendation? We in or we out?

Delta: Tactical Matrix is incalculable. Outcome is uncertain. Chance of success is unknown. But, a little payback would be nice.

York: We're in.

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