Sheldon is a Jerk

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Leonard, Raj, and Howard sat around in their usual gaming stance as they played Halo 3. Penny and Bernadette were over at Penny's apartment consoling Carly after she busted into the apartment a few minutes ago relaying that Sheldon was an asshole. The words were surprising out of her mouth but not surprising about Sheldon. They all concluded that it obviously hadn't gone well like they had hoped and the girls rushed after Carly to make her feel better.

"I'd probably make fun of Sheldon having women problems, if I wasn't in shock that Sheldon has women problems," Leonard replied as he pressed the controller buttons and stared at the TV intently.

Howard shook his head and leaned forward. "All those times he made snide remarks about my love life and this is where it got him."

Raj shrugged. "I suppose we could have seen this coming, I mean, it is Sheldon we are talking about."

Leonard and Howard nodded. "True," Leonard stated. "But I was beginning to think he was a human after all by the way he was with Carly."

Howard sighed. "Yeah, me too…." He said before jabbing his thumb at a button to blow something up.

Raj bit his lip before saying, "Good things happen to everyone, it's just up to you to recognize it and to not let go….or in Sheldon's case…mess it up."

Leonard quirked his eyebrow, glancing at his friend. "Wow, Raj. That was a deep statement."

Raj grinned, shrugging happily. "I know, wasn't it?"

Suddenly the door was opened and Sheldon walked in, his head low and the guys paused the game and stared at him as he walked through the room.

"Well look what the cat dragged in," Howard stated lowly and Leonard stood to confront his friend but Sheldon moved past him quickly and disappeared down the hallway before they all heard the click of his bedroom door opening then closing.

Leonard exchanged looks with the other two who stared back at him. "You aren't going to get cats are you?" Howard asked, one of his eyebrows rising.

Raj smiled. "I like cats."

Leonard shook his head and left the room to try to talk to Sheldon.

Carly had finally stopped crying and Penny handed her a glass of wine, which Carly had sipped only because she felt she needed to do something. She hated the taste of wine. Bernadette sat next to her, glancing at her with sympathy.

"Sheldon can be a jerk," Penny said grumpily, already planning on what she was going yell at him once she saw him. She sat down in the chair next to the couch and hugged the wine bottle to her chest.

Carly sighed, looking down at the glass in her hand. "Everyone tried to warn me….I just got too caught up in the hope that Dr. Sheldon Cooper Ph-stupid D actually liked me."

"Oh sweetie, don't blame yourself," Bernadette said, taking a hold of Carly's empty hand. "I am sure things will work themselves out."

Penny snorted. "Or everyone will have to move because Sheldon will realize that he lost the best thing that has ever happened to him and he will become impossible to be around."

Carly sniffed and Penny softened. "Carly, look. You know how Sheldon is…he doesn't like change and he has never been good with emotions. Honestly, I think the reason why he is flipping bananas is because you have got under his skin."

Carly looked up at her, realizing the bashing of Sheldon was over and the helpful advice was starting to kick in. "He says I am interfering in his work. His work is the most important thing to him…I don't want to be in the way."

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