Girl's Night

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Monday hadn't come fast enough, in Carly's opinion. She was so excited to spend the night over at Penny's with the girls. As soon as she got home, she changed into her Ed Hardy shirt that Penny had swayed her to buy and a pair of jean shorts. She was kind of self-conscious about her legs being exposed since she wasn't tan like Penny, but she decided she didn't care.

Everyone now knew about Sheldon and Carly's relationship and spoke often of it. Every time they would croon "Sharly" Carly would blush and Sheldon would scowl. They hadn't open mouth kissed yet, but almost every moment that they were alone, they took the opportunity to kiss one another. Carly was impressed with how many times Sheldon wanted to kiss her. She knew that Sheldon was germ phobic and to use his mouth on her had to make him queasy. And he told her that he had felt that way at times but the longing to kiss her made up for it.

She knew that Sheldon was worrying about the night with Penny, knowing that Penny was an influence with alcohol. But because Carly had never drunk before, she was very interested into doing it. She explained that to Sheldon and he didn't oppose. Although he did tell her that if she drank from the bottle that he wasn't going to kiss her. Apparently Penny doesn't care about germs and she has put her mouth god knows where…is what he said.

"Hey sweetie, come on in!" Penny said brightly, a large bottle in her hand already.

Carly grinned and walked in, spotting Bernadette on the couch with a glass of wine in her hand. "Hi, Bernadette," she said happily.

"Hel—"Bernadette hiccuped. "—Lo. Oh sorry," she laughed, placing her hand on her chest with an embarrassed smile.

Penny closed the door and walked behind Carly towards the kitchenette. "So what would you like, Carly? I bought red wine, Peach Snapps, Butterscotch Snapps, and….Eristoff…" She said pointing to each one on the counter until she got to the Eristoff, picking it up and examining the bottle.

"Butterscotch I guess, I like butterscotch," she said with a shrug and sat down next to Bernadette on the aqua colored couch, seeing that the TV was on to play Dirty Dancing.

"So! How are you and Sheldon," Bernadette cooed, grinning at Carly and nudging her with her elbow.

Carly blushed and laughed. "We're fine. What about you and Howard? I heard he proposed congratulations!"

Bernadette frowned and Penny moved in with a glass for Carly, "Ooh, not a good time," Penny murmured to Carly, handing the glass over before sitting in her green arm chair next to Bernadette.

"No, it's all right," Bernadette waved to the girls after Carly was about to say sorry. "Thanks, Carly. Howard and I got into another argument tonight. He thinks that when we get married we are going to live with his mother."

Penny bit her lip and shook her head, taking a swig of the Eristoff bottle. Carly frowned, "Oh, my. And I am guessing you don't want to live with her?"

Bernadette shook her head, "No. As a married couple, I expected things to change and to start our lives together in our own home. But I guess things aren't going to change after all."

"Oh you never know honey, Howard is a good guy. And he loves you with all his heart. I am sure he will make the right decision," Carly nodded before taking a drink of her liquor. It tasted exactly like butterscotch and she smiled at the warmth that pushed through her whole body.

"I agree," Penny said, sniffing, her nose apparently running from the warmth the liquor gave her. "Somehow your cuteness settled down the strange and creepy Howard Wolowitz."

Bernadette smiled, "Thanks you guys." She took a drink of her own glass as Penny continued.

"I mean look at Sheldon and Carly. We didn't even know Sheldon had genitals and now he is thinking with them."

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