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In her room, Maria hums along to the song playing in front of the ship. She turns on the shower water and sighs at the feeling of the water on her fur, washing away all the dust and grim from the abandoned planet. 

In the front, Peter puts in the coordinates to the planet Xander, while Bereet drinks a coffee. A news report provides background noise.

"Scattered riots broke out across the Kree Empire today," a news reporter says, "protesting the recent peace treaty signed by the Kree Emperor and Xander's Nova Prime."

The report is interrupted by a beep, signaling that an incoming call is trying to get through. 

"Peter you have a call," Bereet says, going to push the button. 

Peter turns around and his eyes widen when he realizes who is calling. "No, wait, don't!" he says, trying to stop Bereet from pushing the accept button and ultimately failing.

"Quill?" Yondu questions. 

Just then, Maria comes out of her room and she sees Yondu on the screen. She tries to back away out of sight but Yondu sees her. 

"Don't you go away, girl," he says. 

Maria winces. "Hey Yondu," she says, walking over to the table and sitting next to Bereet. Peter slowly turns around. 

"I'm here on Morag," Yondu says. "Ain't no Orb, ain't no y'all."

"Well, we were in the neighborhood," Peter says. "I thought we'd save you the hassle."

"Well, where are y'all at now?" Yondu asks. 

"We're not gonna tell you that, you should know that by now," Maria says, rolling her eyes. 

"I slaved putting this deal together, " Yondu says.

"Slaved," Maria and Peter mock. "Making a few calls is slaved really?"

"And now y'all are gonna rip me off?!"

"I mean, really?" Maria asks. 

"We do not do that to each other. We're Ravagers. We got a code." Yondu says. 

"I'm not technically a Ravager so that code doesn't apply to me," Maria says.

"She has a point," Peter agrees, "but anyway, that code is 'steal from everybody."

"When I picked you up on Terra," Yondu starts. 

Peter rolls his eyes, having her this speech a billion times before. "Picked me up."

"...these boys of mine wanted to eat you," Yondu points to Maria, "and don't get me started on what they wanted to do to you."

Maria scoffs, like anything the Ravagers could have done would be worse than what has already been done to her. 

"Yeah?" Peter asks, angrily.

"They ain't never tasted any Terran before, and they've never worn whatever she is either, " Yondu says. "I stopped 'em! You're both alive because of me! I will find y'all, I will..."

Peter cuts him off. He turns to Maria and gently pats her head. "Don't worry, I won't let them harm you." 

Maria smiles at the gesture, knowing that if they did try something, she could easily get away. She's done it before and she can do it again. 


With the Ravagers, Yondu grunts in frustration and anger.  He turns to the men beside him and starts to walk back to the ship. "Put a bounty on both of them, " he orders grabbing Kraglin, "Forty K. on both. But I want them back alive."

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