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A few hours later, in the dead of the night, I get shaken awake. I grumble, turning over and curling into a ball. "Five more minutes, Peter," I murmur. "I was finally having a good dream." 

"We ain't got five more minutes, red," not-Peter says. 

My eyes fly open and I turn back around, seeing Rocket staring at me. I hold back a giggle when I notice that half of his face-fur is pressed flat.

 "What do you want?" I ask, narrowing my eyes. 

"Quill is in trouble," Rocket explains. "He went to save Gamora." 

"Save?" I sit up and tilt my head. "What'd you mean 'save'?" 

Rocket rolls his eyes. "Did you not hear your cell getting broken into and Gamora getting taken?" 

I shake my head and crawl out. "No. Look, we don't have much time if Peter followed them. He's probably about to do something stupid." 

We run out of the cell and rush toward the showers. 

"What's up with you and Quill anyway? Are you two like..." Rocket trails off. 

I let out a laugh. "Fuck no!  That's gross and hella weird." I shake my head, skidding around the corner. "Let's just say....he's my best friend. He found me after I escaped from my maker a few years ago when I was younger. I didn't trust him at first but after a few months, and after I realized that he would never hurt me, we became really close." 

Rocket nods. "Are you ever going to leave him?" 

"I don't know," I answer truthfully. "Probably not. He's seen me at my worst, he took care of me, and he didn't cast me out or experiment on me. I owe him my life." 

We turn the next corner and I spot Peter at the end of the hallway, peering into the showers. I hear talking but I can't quite make out what they're saying. We reach Peter and peer in. 

Gamora is pinned against the wall with four dudes surrounding her. One guy has his hold on her arm, a second has a knife to her throat, and the third is talking to this really buff guy with gray skin and tattoos. He isn't wearing a shirt, for some reason. 

"...You slayed dozens of Ronan's minions," I hear one person saying. 

"Peter," I whisper, pulling on his pant leg. "What are you doing?! You're going to get yourself killed! This is crazy! Even for you!" 

"I know, that Maria, thanks for stating the obvious," Peter murmurs. "But I can't just let her die without telling me what the orb is."

"Ronan, murdered my wife, Ovette," shirtless dude says, "and my daughter, Camaria. He slaughtered them where they stood." He turns to the guy on the right, yelling, "And he laughed!" 

"Quill?" Rocket asks, trying to get his attention. 

"Her life is not yours to take," shirtless dude says. "He killed my family. I shall kill one of his in return."

The guy to the right of shirtless dude nods and pulls out a knife. "Of course, Drax," he says, holding the knife towards Drax. "Here, I..."

Suddenly, I watch as Gamora grabs the guy who is holding her arm. She pulls him behind her and turns to the guy holding the knife to her throat. She grabs the knife and yells, slicing at the guy, while simultaneously breaking the other guy's arms. 

I wince as a sickening 'crunch' sounds through the showers. She breaks someone's leg and turns to Drax and the dude who handed Drax the knife, holding a knife to their throats. 

The whole scene was over just as quickly as it started. If you blinked you would have missed it. 

Peter takes a step forward and I grab his hand with my paw. "Peter! What are you doing?" I hiss. 

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