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third pov
location: the kyln; high security prison
"i guess most of the nova corps wanna uphold the laws, but these one's here, they're corrupted and cruel." rocket chuckles. "but, hey, that's not my problem. i ain't gonna be here long. i've escaped 22 prisons. this one's no different. you two are in luck the broad showed up, because otherwise me and groot would be collecting that bounty right now and you'd be getting drawn and quartered by yondu and those ravagers."

"i've had a lot of folks try to kill me over the years." peter says. "i ain't about to be brought down by a tree and a talking raccoon."


"what's a raccoon?" rocket asks.

"what's a raccoon?" peter repeats. "it's what you are stupid."

"peter!" maria gasps.

"ain't no thing like me except me." rocket boasts tapping his paws on his chest.

maria scoffs.

when we start walking again, peter speaks up. "so, this orb has a real shiny blue suit case ark of covenant maltese falcon sort of vibe." he says. "what is it?"

"i am groot."

"so, what?" peter says, looking back at groot. "what's the orb?"

"i have no words for an honor-less thief." gamora says.

maria rolls her eyes.

"pretty high and mighty coming from the lackey of a genocidal maniac." rocket says making gamora look back in surprise. "yeah, i know who you are. anyone who's anyone knows who you are."

"yeah, we know who you are." peter lies. he then looks back at groot, and not so subtly whispering, "who is she?"

maria tries to facepalm, but with her paws in handcuffs it a bit difficult.

"i am groot."

"yeah, you said that." maria mumbles.

"i wasn't retrieving then orb for ronan." gamora informs. "i was betraying him."

"i am groot."

"well that's just as fascinating as the first 89 times you told me that." peter states, getting annoyed. "what's with giving tree here?"

"well, he don't know talking good like me and you." rocket explains. "so his vocabulistics is limited to 'i' and 'am' and 'groot.' exclusively in that order."

"i'll tell you what. that's going to wear real thin real fast." i mumble.

they stop once more, but they stop outside of, what maria thinks is, a place where the guards sort and go threw the new prisoners stuff.

maria heard the faint sound of music and turns her head slightly to the side, only to see a guard picking up quills walkman and inspects it.

'oh, no.' maria thinks.

"hey!" peter exclaims, looking over and seeing the same thing maria is. "put that away!"

the guard doesn't say anything. instead he states peter down as he puts on the headphones. the door starts to close but peter slips in at the very last second.

"hey!" he yells.

maria walks up to the bars and places her paws on them.

"peter," she starts, "i get that the walkman means a lot to you but leave it alone for now and you can get it later."

but the words don't seem to reach him.

"listen to be, you big blue bastard,* take those headphones off." peter hisses as big blue takes the headphones off and put them around his neck. "that's mine. those belong to impound. that tape and that player is mine!"

big blue picks up a stick and walks to peter. he grunts as he shocks peter, making peter fall to his knees.

"hooked on a feeling, blue swede, 1973." peter names. "that song belongs to me."

big blue grunts before shocking peter once again. marias tail swishes behind her in worry for her friend.
*- alliteration +one sin

Red// GOFTG Rocket Raccoon//Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora