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purple blasts shoot out in all direction, they all hit something and sparks fly. carina starts screaming but it soon turns into a high-pitched squeal. rocket drops down into an army crawl and brings maria down with him, who lets out a small yelp at the unexpected pull. peter grabs gamora and they go hide under a desk, huddled together.

groot notices the two animals on the ground and decides to try and save them. he picks both the animals up, rocket in one arm and maria in the other, and he races towards the door.

carina is still screaming but multiple holes have appeared in her body, almost like the stone is tearing her from the inside out. seconds later, her body explodes in a blast of purple light, making the building come crashing down.

groot smashes through the door that they came in at just seconds before the blast. hearing the blast, maria wiggles her way out of groot's grasp and climbs onto his shoulder, eyes wide and full of fear, worried for her human friend.

groot gently grabs onto maria and places her back to where she was. she tries to wiggle herself free but groot slightly tightens his grip. groot dodges the rubble that has come loose from the blast. they blast comes closer and maria, groot, and rocket all scream.

gamora and peter peak their heads up from where they were hiding for safety.

"what the-" peter starts but a pop from behind him cuts him off.

gamora races to the stone, determined to close it as soon as possible. she grunts as she closed the casing around the stone.

"how could i think tivan could contain whatever was within the orb?" gamora asks as she and peter walk out of, the now destroyed, collector's place.

"what do you still have it for?!" maria exclaims as she and rocket walk up to peter and gamora. but i'm glad your okay. maria thinks.

"what are we gonna do, leave it there?" peter asks.

maris quickly nods her head. "yes! that's exactly what you do!"

"i can't believe you had that in your purse!" rocket exclaims from beside the red panda.

"it's not a purse." peter defends. "it's a knapsack."

"we have to bring this to the nova corps." gamora informs, the only logical one out of the four. "there's a chance they can contain it."

"are you kidding me?" rocket exclaims. "we're wanted by the nova corps. just give it to ronan!"

"so he can destroy the galaxy?" peter asks, looking over at him.

"what are you, some saint all of a sudden?" maria asks.

"what has the galaxy ever done to you?" rocket adds. "why would you wanna save it?"

"because i'm one of the idiots who lives in it!" peter yells.

gamora grabs onto the collar of peter's jacket. "peter, listen to me." she says. "we cannot allow the stone to fall into ronan's hands. we have to go back to your ship and deliver it to nova."

"right." peter agrees. "right, okay. i think you're right. or," peter says, trying to grab the stone from gamora's hands, "we could give it to somebody who's not going to arrest us. really nice for a whole lot of money."

maria's eyes widen when she realizing who peter is talking about. is he crazy?! maria thinks yondu is just as bad as ronan!

gamora snatches the stone away from peter.

"i think it's a really good balance between both your points of view." peter finishes.

"you're despicable." gamora says while peter stammers. "dishonorable." she walks awya with the stone in hand while yelling, "faithless!"

maria turns around when she hears ships approaching. "oh, no." she mumbles, eyes wide.

"at last!" drax laughs. "i shall meet my foe and destroy him."

"you called ronan?" peter yells, walking to drax.

ronan's ship touches down in front of drax and the thrusters blowing dust and debris everywhere. youndu turns a corner and immediately spots peter and maria.

"quill! girl!" he yells. "don't you two move!"

gamora runs away with the orb and quill follows after.

"don't you move!" yondu shouts once again. "out of the way!" yondu pushes past people trying to get to peter faster, completely forgetting about maria.

"ronan the accuser!" drax greets as ronan is heading down the ramp on his ship.

"you are the one who transmitted the message?" ronan asks, talking towards drax.

"you killed my wife, you killed my daughter." drax yells.

back with the others, a man steps out of a flying pod and gamora grabs the man by the collar of his shirt and pulls him towards the ground. he grunts and stumbles slightly.

"i told you, you can't fit." rocket says to groot, throwing his gun into the pod before turning to maria. "and you, stay here and make sure he stays safe. and you be safe too."

maria nods. "of course."

rocket climbs into the pod. "now, wait here, i'll be back."

right before the doors close, maria walks over to him and sighs. "be safe." she mumbles.

rocket's gaze softens and nods. "i will." he says.

and the doors close behind him.


y'all, how in the hell did i manage to get over 900 reads on this dumb story? none the less, i'm grateful for every one. anyway, i should be able to update a lot more for the next two weeks since my school is going remote.

if there are any other marvel movies or any other fandom you would like me to do let me know in the comments and i'll check it out.

also, i plan on chapters for gotg 2 to be a bit longer than the ones here so be prepared for that.

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