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3rd pov
maria looks around the place gamora's buyer is supposed to reside and she has to admit, it's kinda creepy.

"okay," she says, "this isn't creepy at all."

"we house the galaxy's largest collection of fauna, relics and species of all manner." carina explains as she guides the group.

a dog growls at rocket and maria as they pass. rocket growls back at the dog while maria stifles a laugh.

"i present to you," carina holds our her arms as gestures to the man in the big, furry coat, "taneleer tivan, the collecter."

a man in a furry jacket slowly turns around. he has white hair, white eyebrows and a pair of funny looking glasses on. he slowly walks towards gamora while taking off his glasses.

"oh, my dear gamora." he says, bringing her hand ip and kissing it. "how wonderful to meet in the flesh."

"let's bypass the formalities, tivan," gamora says snatching her hand away, "we have what we discussed."

the collecter looks pass gamora and he see groot, who sticks out like a sore thumb. "what is that thing there?" he asks slowly.

"i am groot."

"why, so he can turn you into a fricken chair?" rocket asks.

"that's your pet?"

"his what?!" rocket yells going to grab his gun, but maria nudges him. he looks at her and she shakes her head, reminding rocket what they're about to get.

"tivan,"gamora interrups while tivan chuckles, "we have been halfway around the galaxy retrieving this orb."

"very well, then. let us see what you broutght." 

gamora looks to peter, who takes the orb out of his pocket, and reaches out to give it to tivan, only to drop it. he quickly picks it up and hands it back out to tivan acting like nothing happened.

"oh, my new friends." tivan comments look around. "before creation it self, there were six singularities." he flips a switch and the two arms holding the orb starts to open it. a bunch of purple circle appear above the group. "then the universe exploded into existence, and the remnants of the systems were forged into concentrated ingots. infinity stones. these stones, it seems, can only be brandished by beings of extraordinary strength. observe." tivan holds out his hand and the group looks back at what he is pointing at.

it shows some kind of metal amour standing tall with a scepter and some kind of purple stone sitting on top with people running away from it, screaming in fear.

"these carries can use the stone to mow down entire civilizations like wheat in a field." explains tivan.

"there's a little pee coming out of me right now." peter says.

maria looks at her friend in disgust. did not need to know that, pete. she thinks.

"once, for a moment, a group was able to share the energy amongst themselves, but even they were quickly destroyed by it."

the orb finally opens to reveal a small stone glowing purple, just like the circles above the group.

tivan shakes his hands in excitement in front of him. "beautiful." he says. "beyon compare."

carina looks at the orb, an idea forming in her head.

"blah, blah, blah." rocket interrupts. "we're all very fascinated whitey. but we'd like to get paid."

the purple circles on the ceiling start disapearing. 

"how would you like to get paid?" tivan asks.

"what do you think fancy man? units." maria says, rolling her eyes.

slowly, carina walks toward the orb. 

"very well, then." tivan says, opening up a drawer. "carina stand back."

"i will no longer be your slave!" carina shouts and she grabs the orb.


i am so sorry for making y'all wait this long for the next chapter. i've been really tired after school and i kinda lost motivation but i'm back now. i'll try to update next weekend but i can't make any promises since i'll be helping my older brother move back in with us.

also, if any of y'all speak french do you have any tips on how to remember which words are femanine or masculine? and do you have any app suggestions that are good to learn french?

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