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My vision goes in and out when I land on the ground a few feet away from Peter, who is writhing on the floor due to being shocked by the other furry animal's gun. I hear a voice call from above us and notice Nova Corps ships above. 

"....drop your weapon," I hear one of the ship's pilots above us ask. "You are under arrest..." The rest gets lost as I'm forcefully picked up by the scruff on my neck, similar to what my mother used to do when I was a child before I was taken away from her to be used as experiments.

I whimper, the force not making my concussion any better. At the sound, Peter whips his head around so fast he might have gotten whiplash. 

"HEY!" he yells, trying to get out of his holder's hands. "You take your hands off of her, or so help me I will blow your brains out." 

My holder rolls his eyes. "Whatever," he scoffs. He places me on Peter's shoulders and grabs his other arm. I sigh and close my eyes, trying anything to ease the pain. 

"Hey, if it isn't Star-Prince," the officer on the right says. 

"Star-lord," Pete corrects sadly, sighing.

"Oh, sorry," the office replies, "Star-lord. " He turns to his partner. "I picked this guy up a while back for petty theft. He's got a code name. I don't think he had this one," he motions to me, "though. Must've met her after he was released."

"Come on, man. It's a... it's an outlaw name," Peter sighs.

"Just relax pal," the officer tells him. "It's cool to have a code name. It's not that weird."

I inwardly roll my eyes and think, Fascists.

We get to a holding facility while they take all of our names. First up is the pretty, green-skinned lady from earlier. Apparently, her name is Gamora. 

"Gamora," Pete and I's arresting officer reads out. "Surgically modified and trained as a living weapon. The adopted daughter of the Mad Titan, Thanos. Recently, Thanos lent her and her sister Nebula out to Ronan, which leads us to believe that Thanos and Ronan are working together."'

Next up is the other animal. Now that I've gotten a better look at him, he is actually kind of cute. 

"Subject 89P13. Calls itself Rocket. The result of illegal genetic and cybernetic experiments on a lower life form."

Next up, is Groot. I've come to like him even though I have no idea what he is saying. But, he did give me a pretty flower. Peter said it's called a rose. 

"What the hell?" the other officer in the room asks. 

"They call it Groot," the first officer says. "A humanoid plant that's been traveling recently as 89P13's personal house plant/muscle."

Next is Peter. 

"Peter Jason Quill, from Terra. Raised from youth by a band of mercenaries called the Ravagers, led by Yondu Udonta."

Peter reels up his middle finger and places a hand on his chest, feigning innocence. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know how this machine worked."

Finally, it's my turn. 

"Subject 96B24. Calls itself, Maria. Another result of illegal cybernetic and cybernetic experiments, however, 96B24 has a few changes from 89P13." 

I can feel Rocket's eyes on me, but I ignore him.

"What a bunch of a-holes," the second officer says while the first smiles. "Transport all five to the Kyln."


Sorry for such a short update, I'm still not feeling all that well. I'll be back to normal on Friday though, I sometimes get like this when I'm on shark week. 

Anyway, hope yall enjoyed. Oh, one more thing, since I;ve been playing the last of us recently, I've been thinking that after I get done with this book I might do one on the last of us. if I were to, would yall want me to do a game! joel or a series! joel?

let me know and ill see you guys on Friday for a longer update :)

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