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Maria's pov


i wince when one of the floating people hit the windshield.  rocket hits a button and the doors in front of us open. we fly roughly inside and the control room hits the side of the wall.

one of the drone gets ripped off and we swerve, hitting some guards that couldn't float away in time two more drones come off and we hit the sides of the hallway.

we gasp as we come to a stop and rocket hits a button, closing the door behind us.

"that was a pretty good plan." peter says after a moment of silence. 

"huh." rocket nods.

peter kicks the left side window for us to climb through. peter climbs through after taking me off of his shoulders so i don't get glass in my fur. the rest follows us. i jump out of peter's arms to head to go and get my stuff while he goes towards the window.

"yeah! there it is. get my ship." peter says. i look up to know where he is pointing. after a second i continue getting my thins. "it's the milano. the orange and blue one over in the corner. maria will lead you to it."

"they crumpled my pants up into a ball."rocket complains. "that's rude! they folded yours."

i snicker and turn to peter.

"i have a feeling they didn't put your tape player back and i also have a feeling that you're going to go after it, so, be careful, alright?" 

peter nods. "i will. besides, when am i not?" 

i shake my head and hurry after rocket and the others.


"well how's he going to get to us?" rocket asks from beside me.

rocket and i were sitting in the front of the milano with gamora, drax, and groot all behind us.

"he declined to share that information with me." gamora answers.

"well, screw this, then." rocket says. "i ain't waiting around for some humie with a death whish." rocket turns to face gamora. "you got the orb right?"

"yes." she starts to go through the bag and i smirk lightly.

if my guess was correct, then the big blue bastard from earlier didn't put peter's tape player back and peter went back for it, taking the orb with him so we wouldn't leave without him. not like i would let them anyway.

i hear gamora gasp from behind me and i guess my guess is correct. peter did in fact go get his walkman and take the orb with him.

"if we don't leave now, we will be blown to bits." rocket says.

"no!" gamora shouts. "we're not leaving without the orb."

"or without peter." i add. i can feel the questioning stare of the animal beside me but i ignore it.

"behold." drax says, pointing outside.

we look outside and we see peter fly out of the prison.


"this one shows spirit." drax says when him and gamora are helping peter climb into his ship. "he shall make a keen ally in the battle against ronan. companion, what were you retrieving?"

peter takes the tape player out and hands it to drax.

gamora sighs.

"you're an imbecile." drax says.

see? what did i tell you?


i sigh in relief, glad to be back in my original clothes. as i'm walking out of my room, i see rocket sitting on a box, using parts of peter's ship to build something.

he is not gonna like that. i think to myself, walking over.

"whoa, whoa, whoa," peter says. "yo! ranger rick what are you doing? you can't take apart my ship without asking me! see, what is this?"

peter starts to pick something up, only to be stopped by rocket. "don't touch that. it's a bomb."

"a bomb?" i ask when i reach them, crossing my arms.

"yup." rocket says coolly.

"and you leave it lying around?" peter asks.

"i was gonna put it in a box."

"what's a box gonna do?" i ask.

"how about this one?" rocket asks, holding up a neatly wrapped present.

"no. whoa, hey! leave it alone." peter hits the present out of rocket's hands and back into its previous spot and closes the door with his foot.

"why? what is it?"

"shut up."

"hey." rocket asks.

"what is that?" i asks, pointing to another thing beside rocket and successfully changing the subject.

"that's for when things get really hardcore." rocket answer, turning to look at me. "or you wanna blow up moons."

"no one's blowing up an moons." gamora intervenes.

"you just wanna suck the joy out of everything." rocket mumbles.

"so, listen, i'm gonna need your buyer's coordinates." peter tells gamora walking over to her.

i follow and lean against the wall near them.

"we're heading in the right direction for now." gamora answers.

"if we're gonna work together, you might try trusting me a little bit," peter says.

"and how much do you trust me?" gamora retorts.

"i'd trust you a lot more if you told me what this was." peter takes the orb from gamora. "cause i'm guessing it's some kind of weapon." hey says, placing the orb down on the table.

 "i don't know what it is."

drax picks up the orb and i roll my eyes, already knowing what's about to happen, so i start walking back towards my room, ready to get some much needed sleep.


its been a couple of hours and i'm tossing and turning in my bed. i failed in going to sleep so i opted for thinking about the pros and cons if i leave peter.

don't get me wrong. i love peter, as a friend, but, i've been with him for almost four years and i think it's time for me to leave. maybe, rocket and groot will let me stick around for a bit. 

i snap out of my thoughts when i hear the door opening. i sit it up and see rocket standing there.

"rocket? what are you doing here?" i asks.

"oh, sorry, i didn't know this room was your's." he says.

i chuckle a bit. "it's okay. if, uh, if you want you can stay in here if there isn't any other places to sleep."

"you sure?"

"yeah. i think this is the only clean place in this ship anyway, if you know what i mean." 

rocket chuckles. i pat the side of me and rocket carefully walks over. he sits down stiffly and we sit in awkward silence for a few minutes before i speak up.

"can i ask your opinion on something?"


so, i told him. i told him that i was planning on leaving peter after we got our units, after i took back the units he owed me for the guys metal leg. and we somehow ended up talking about our lives before the klin and found out we came from the same place, just different areas. 

he also agreed to let me tag along with him a groot for a while and said it'd be goon to have another person like him. 

i feel asleep a bit after that conversation and for the first time since i could remember, i didn't have one single nightmare.


if i were to write a teen wolf book, would y'all read it? i was thinking about making it either a stiles x reader or a lydia x fem! reader. i don't know yet.

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