Mephoj chap: 4 season: 2

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    "OJ, you know how much I hate loud noises. I've told you." Mephone said, brushing all the sand off of himself. "I'm sorry, Phon, I know from your past with.. him.., but you have to atleast try and get over it or else it will dwell over you!" OJ said, letting go of Mephone so he can catch his balance. "What are you guys talking about?" Pickle asked as he was grabbing another firework. "Nothing important, Pic'" OJ responded. "Who we lighting fireworks for?". "Well for everyone on the beach!" Pickle responded enthusiastically.                                                                   

     "Hey, did the fireworks pause, what's going on?" Trophy asked. "Did one of you idiots mess up again?" Trophy asked, laughing at his own comment. "No, we were just having a talk." Paper responded. "Sorry!" Paper shouted, lighting a firework and backing far away. The others did as-well. Mephone tried to use a towel to cover the sound, but most of the sound came through anyway. The firework shot in the air and exploded with a loud bang. OJ saw Mephone struggling,  so he walked over and hugged him, rubbing his back. 

     "Hey, it's okay! It was quick, and you're getting better. Last time you screamed!" OJ said, trying to calm him down. Mephone settled in OJ's arms. "I haven't seen Mepad since I yelled at him a few months ago, same thing with toilet. Do you think they're here?" Mephone said moving around a bit to look around him. "I did send them invitations after I knew you were coming, but paper kept track of who actually did come." OJ said. "Hey OJ, did you call me?" Paper asked, hearing his name. "I didn't call you, but actually I have a question, did Mepad and Toilet ever show up?" OJ asked. "Oh, yeah they did, they are actually here at the beach somewhere. They came just a few minutes ago. "Do they even know we're in a relationship?" OJ asked Mephone. "No- no they don't." Mephone responded. "This is gonna be awkward." OJ said, holding Mephone's hand and walking across the beach in search of Toilet and Mepad. "Oh, I see them!" Paper said, pointing.

     "Hey, stay here Mephone. I'll talk with them first." OJ said, putting a hand infront of Mephone. "Okay.." Mephone said worryingly. OJ ran over in Mepad and Toilets direction. "Hey, I'm so glad you could make it!" OJ said, coming to a pause when close enough to the pair. "Oh, Mr. OJ! It's so nice to see you." Mepad said, turning in OJ's direction. OJ tried to talk about the situation with Mephone "Hey, I- know you may not want to see him-". "Who, Mephone?" Mepad said, adjusting his position. "Yeah." OJ said. "We've been trying to get in contact with him, but he won't respond to his phone." Mepad said, seeming to be very sad about the situation. "Why would he- oh..". OJ began to remember. Mephone was half-knocked off a cliff by Trophy, causing him to drop his phone. "Well, his old phone was broken, and he didn't remember your number." OJ said. "Well do you know where he is?" Mepad asked. "About that-" OJ signaled that it was safe for Mephone to come over. Mephone slowly and cautiously made his way over to where Mepad and Toilet were sitting.

     "OH MY GAD! IS THAT MISTAH PHONE?" Toilet said, bolting up. Mephone actually smiled. Normally he would be very annoyed at the amount of bugging toilet did. But he hadn't seen him or heard his voice in a while. Then he noticed it. Why was there a big scratch across toilets face? Where did it come from, how did it happen? "Hi, Toilet." Mephone said, trying to relax. "HOLY BANANA'S DID YOU HEAR THAT MEPAD?!" Toilet exclaimed, shifting his view to Mepad who was just in shock. "Hello, sir." Mepad said, who had spaced out and had not heard what Toilet said. "Mepad, toilet, look, I'm sorry.. I know I'm always a bit rude and all but even I know I was taking it too far there. I should of thought before I yelled at both of you." Mephone said, rubbing the area where his neck would supposedly be. "Apology accepted, sir. But may I ask, you and OJ had a small "rivalry"... have you made up?".          

    "Pfft, more like made out!" Trophy remarked, elbowing knife who just glanced at him. "What?" Mepad asked. "What? Did little Mephone not tell you that him and OJ are in a relationship now?" Trophy said. Mepad seemed to be in more shock. "May I talk to OJ alone?" Mepad asked. "Toilet can stay. "Yeah," Mephone said, shoving trophy the opposite direction. As Trophy was blabbering about how Mephone should get his hands off of him, OJ turned his focus back to Mepad. "Please, try not to break his heart and leave him." Mepad said, it seemed he was embarrassed, or a bit worried? "He's been- broken by someone that way before. That person abused him quite a bit and then ended up cheating on him, that was two years ago. It's surprising he even got back in a relationship.". OJ thought that the conversation would be way worse then it was. But, who did Mephone date that could hurt him like that? "I won't let you down, Mepad." OJ responded, with a big smile on his face. "Then I don't have anything against you and Mephone being together." Mepad said happily. "What about you, toilet?". "SEEMS OKAY TO ME!" Toilet responded. "Thank you." OJ said, then went off to join back with the others.

Decided to give you all the longest chapter I've ever wrote because I haven't update on this properly in forever. I also deleted all the random stuff I put on here. I will be making a normal fun book for random stuff like that. This is only the Mephoj story now! Thank you for being patient with me.

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