Mephoj Chap 2 Season 3

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Merry Christmas! (I know it's late but just pretend the current setting is December 25th)

     OJ got up at 4:00. He had set his alarm earlier the other night to do some last minute decorating he wanted to do while everyone was asleep, with headphones on, not to disturb Mephone, Ofcourse. Without hesitation, he ran downstairs and grabbed a cold coffee drink out of the fridge, chugged it in a few seconds, then threw it away and immediately got to work. He didn't want anybody to wake up while he was doing this, or else it would be very awkward and spoil the surprise. He went out to the car to get a few more Christmas gifts to place under the two trees they had. Yes, they got two, but even that wasn't enough. Gifts were piling against the walls. OJ maneuvered his way through the presents, trying to not knock over any of them. It didn't matter too much, as the heavy and fragile boxes were at the bottom, meaning he could easily catch one or two, or when a box fell to the ground it wouldn't make as much noise. He threw some handmade ornaments on the tree, along with a few ornaments with photos. 

     Once he was eventually satisfied, he turned around to go upstairs, and saw paper staring back at him, which startled him. "Ohhhhh, Heyyy paper!". Sweat dripped down OJs face as he talked. "Last minute decorations again? How many holiday's have you been doing this?" Paper asked, making his way towards the kitchen. "Since like the second Christmas at this hotel.- buuut." OJ followed behind him. "I didn't wake you up, right?" OJ asked nervously. "No, it's like 5:30, you know I wake up around this time." Paper said. "Speaking of that, when did you wake up to do this?". "Uh. around 4:00". Paper almost spit the Gatorade he was drinking out of his mouth. He swallowed, then turn to OJ. "Didn't me and Mephone tell you to stop going to bed late and waking up really early? You're overworking yourself, and I'm surprised you haven't collapsed over exhaustion!" Paper said angrily, but taking a deep breath and calming himself. "I'm sorry! It's Christmas! Don't start off on a bad note." OJ said. 

     "Speak of the devil." Paper said, then pointed to the stairs to see Mephone standing there. "Mephone, why're you awake?" OJ said, walking over to him, and wrapping his arms around him like he usually does. "You guys' bickering woke me up." Mephone said, standing in OJ's arms. OJ leaned for a kiss, but Mephone put his hand infront of OJs mouth. "Are you mad?" OJ asked, moving Mephones hand so he could talk. "A bit, I was having a not-so-good dream. The rude awakening kinda made the dream worse." Mephone said, chuckling a bit. The two softly kissed, then OJ, Paper, and Mephone all sat on the couch, waiting for everyone to wake up while watching Christmas movies on low volume. 

     Eventually, people started coming downstairs. Paper and OJ would take turns telling each person who woke up to get a Christmas themed blanket and pillow from the laundry area. Some people pulled out bored games while waiting. Early awakeners took naps. Eventually, everyone came down. They voted on which to do first, open up gifts, open up stockings, or eat a large Christmas breakfast. Most said stockings, then presents, then breakfast. So that's how it went, everyone open their stockings, filled with mostly chocolates, pairs of socks, and other stocking stuffers, but there was also the occasional special little things, like new test vials for Test tube. The gifts were filled with peculiar stuff. There were trackers, realistic fake guns, hell, even someone got a bomb (which was filled with glitter, but it still hurt when it hit the persons face, that person was trophy, by the way.). But there was also normal stuff, like necklaces, plushies, and fun Video games.

     In the midst of the chaos, Mephone dragged OJ aside. "Mephone, shouldn't we be with the others? I don't want to leave Paper giving out presents alone for too long." OJ said, anxiously walking beside Mephone. OJ held Mephone's hand to keep up with his pace. "I know, but this is very important. Mephone dragged him back to their room, and opened up the closet. The was a small basket with a blanket covering it. The blanket had a bow taped on it. "Did you get me a blanket? Why didn't we put this with all the other stuff? Did you not have enough time to wrap it?" OJ asked numerous questions, which Mephone did nothing but chuckle in response. "Look under the blanket.". OJ took a peak inside the basket to find a shiny, silver egg. "Woaaahh.. what's that." OJ asked. "Feel it.". OJ touched it, it was warm. "I mean- it's an egg, is it a bird?" OJ asked. Mephone immediately began laughing.

     "It's your child OJ, I know you've been saying you wanted to adopt a kid, but i decided an egg would be a better choice, so we would have some time to get used to raising one.". "..." OJ went through multiple emotions. He was first surprised, then he became scared, but then his face lit up with one of the biggest smiles Mephone's ever seen on him. He tackled Mephone, teary eyed, and began to kiss him all over his face. Mephone laughed and struggled. "HAHA- sTOPPP AHAHA!". OJ eventually rested on Mephone's chest. "You happy?" Mephone asked. "Mmm." Was all OJ replied, but Mephone could see his joyful face. Mephone pushed OJ off him and got up. He gently picked up the silver egg and handed it to OJ. OJ thought he had finally stopped crying, but immediately teared up in happiness again while holding the egg.

     "Where have you two been, we're almost done unwrapping gifts, and neither of you two have opened many of yours!". Knife looked up at Mephone and OJ, who had just came back down. The egg was wrapped up fully in a red, plaid blanket. "We just got busy, we're here now.". "Uh huh, whatever." Knife said. "Come on you two, come sit down and unwrap your gifts." Mephone and OJ looked eachother in the eye, then sat down to unwrap their presents.

I decided to add a new child

Silver trophy!!

OG creator: Mephojayz (I personally found them on picuki (Instagram?))

But like anyways merry late Christmas, Happy late Hanukkah, and Happy late New Year!

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