Mephoj Chapter 1 Season 3

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I'm starting a new season because I feel that we've had too many chapters in season 2.

Also the introduction of cobs,

And I just want a new setting and stuff.

A month later

     OJ woke up early on a Saturday morning. He got up to stretch, then sat on the side of the bed, glancing at Mephone who was still asleep beside him. He pulled the blankets over him, before getting up to start the day. He went to the bathroom, it's what he always does, he has a routine. He brushed his teeth, wiped his glass face then grabbed his red rimmed glasses and walked out the door. OJ went to the porch to check out the weather. It was cloudy and cold, it looked like it was about to rain. "Perfect" OJ thought, looking at the dumpster down below. OJ hated when it was hot outside, it meant he had to do more chores out there, and the ice cubes he would use would always end up diluting him, making him dizzy and delusional. OJ walked across his fuzzy, clean, white rug and exited his room.

     The next part of his routine was to go to the kitchen to get coffee, dairy free, ofcourse. He hates even the idea of drinking milk because, well, you get the idea. OJ was usually one of the first ones awake, along with paper and knife, sometimes. "Good morning, 'J.". OJ looked over at Knife who was sitting on the couch watching a Christmas movie. "Dude, it's only November 23rd." OJ said. "Close enough to Christmas for me." Knife responded. "Whatever, good morning, Knife." OJ said, walking over to the kitchen. Paper was in the kitchen cutting up vegetables for salads. He always makes half the food in the morning for everyone in the hotel. "Hey, Paper." OJ said calmly. The coffee was ready for him already. Paper also always did that, right on time aswell. It was just the temperature OJ liked it.

    "Thank you." OJ said, smiling tiredly. "It's fine!" Paper said happily. "Your list for today is near the coat hanger beside the door.". OJ smiled, taking his coffee and going over to take the list of stuff he's needs to do today. It didn't look too bad, mostly cleaning around the hotel, though he did have "complaints" duty. OJ started sweeping, when he felt Mephone's hand on his shoulder. OJ turned around and wrapped his arms around him. "Good morning.." Mephone said, settling in OJ's arms. "Heya, Mephone." OJ whispered. Mephone went over and sat on the arm rest of the couch, watching OJ continue to sweep. "What's the next thing on your list?" Mephone asked OJ. "Cleaning the windows." OJ responded, focusing on sweeping. Mephone went to go get supplies, then went over to clean the windows. He always wanted to help OJ whenever he can, since OJ usually has a lot of things to do, and he wants OJ to get a break at some point. "Thank you, Mephone." OJ said.

Meanwhile at MeCloud

     Steve cobs analyzed the large robot. He had just finished the structure, there was still so much left he had to work on. He sighed, pulling his tools over to get back to work, when he's startled by a voice coming from the doorway. He turned around to see the same figure who first informed him about the project,  [REDACTED]. Cobs smiled, gesturing him to come in. "Hello, sir, it seems we have found a general location of the entity known as Mephone4. Once we get him back to MeCloud, we can easily switch him to his 4s counterpart.". "Good!" Steve cobs exclaimed. "This plan seems to be going in our favor.". "Is there anything I can do for you, sir?" The entity asked Cobs, bowing down to him like he was royalty. "Check on the other workers, make sure they are doing their jobs. Also bring me another coffee." Cobs said, turning back to the project he was working on. "Ofcourse, sir." The entity said, then exited the room quietly to not disturb Cobs' focus.

Thank you all for 2k reads! [or views.]

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