Mephoj Chap: 3 Season: 3

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After OJ was done unwrapping his presents, he thanked everyone once more, before running upstairs again with the egg in the plaid blanket. He had put the egg behind the tree so nobody would pay attention to it. He felt really bad though, it's a living thing! He thought. He gently moved the blanket off the top of the egg, so he could see the top silver half reflecting the light shining out the window. He smiled, then sat with it in his lap, waiting for Mephone. Mephone eventually came up the stairs with a heating blanket someone had gotten him. I don't remember who got him that blanket, but it's going to be pretty useful. The glass thought. As soon as Mephone was close enough, OJ carefully handed over the egg to him. Mephone happily took the egg and wrapped it up in the gray, fuzzy, warm blanket.

"So, what are your thoughts?" Mephone asked, sitting beside him in their bed. "About what?" OJ ignorantly asked. "The egg, you idiot." Mephone said, shifting the egg in his direction. OJ looked down at it, rubbing it, then continued to while looking up at the phone and his warm smile. "Oh, I love it. I thought you got that from me almost spilling juice all over you, glad I had the cork.". Mephone laughed, keeping his gentle, yet protective grasp on the bright, silver egg. "No, I obviously thought you hated the idea, and wanted me to get rid of the egg immediately." Mephone sarcastically said, elbowing OJ, then immediately placing his hand around the egg again. "Quite protective of that, aren't you?" The Orange juice said, also wrapping his arms around the egg. "Yes, and, if you take it, I will attack you!!" Mephone laughed, playfully bumping against him with his body. OJ laughed, elbowing him back. OJ let go of his grasp of the egg, and Mephone pulled it close to his body.

"What do you think the gender is?". "Well, mom's always wanted a granddaughter." OJ said, flashing back to his mom, Milk, talking with his older brother. He remembered them talking about grandchildren, just after his brother, CJ, got married to his new wife. Milk, CJ, and his wife wanted this. Milk said she'd love a granddaughter, but whatever gender the baby was, Milk would love them. CJ had divorced his wife before they even tried having a child, because she ended up cheating on him. OJ continued thinking, until he was pulled out of his mind to Mephone shaking him.

"OJ, are you alright?!" Mephone exasperatedly asked. It seemed he'd been trying to wake him for a while. "Oh, sorry, I'm fine! I was just thinking.". "Don't scare me like that again, Jesus.." Mephone sighed, his uptight body resting itself and falling limp, other than his arms firmly wrapping around the egg again "Do you want me to get you some soup and a pillow for the egg?" OJ said, trying to distract the worried phone. "Yeah, that'd be nice.." Mephone said, his smile returning to his blue, glowing screen. OJ happily bounced up from the bed, skipping downstairs.

"Hey OJ!" Paper happily said, seeing OJ coming down the stairs. "Hey Paper!" He responded in the same tone. "Can I talk to you?" Paper asked. OJ felt a little anxious, he thought he may have done something wrong, but what? "Sure!" OJ managed to sputter out. "So, I saw you grab that item wrapped in the plaid blanket. I was wondering what that is? I didn't see you unwrap it earlier." Paper asked "sorry if I'm being nosy.". OJ nervously tried to find the words to explain it. But the only thing he could sputter out was "EGg.". Paper seemed confused, and a few people near him also shifted their view towards the pair, equally confused. "Egg?" Paper repeated. "D-DNA-. Uh,, err" OJ stuttered.

"One of those new eggs infused with two peoples DNA to create a child?" Test tube asked, without taking a breath or even looking at him. "Yes." OJ said firmly. "So- a child? You are having a kid?" Paper asked him. "No wonder I saw Mephone asking you to get one of your own DNA sample's." Knife said out of nowhere, popping his head up from behind the couch. Paper's eyes lit up. Before OJ, or anybody for that matter, could utter another word, Paper embraced him. OJ laughs, patting papers back. "I'm gonna be a-uh..". Paper began thinking. "Sort of an uncle, I guess?" OJ said. "Yeah! An uncle!!" Paper happily said.

"Anyways, can I get soup and a pillo-?" Paper immediately rushed over to get the things OJ asked. He threw over the pillow, than went to make a bowl of hot chicken noodle soup. OJ was surprised at how fast Paper bolted away, but happy that he was enthusiastic about the child. After the soup was done, the only time Paper wasn't moving quickly, as he didn't want to spill it, he handed it to OJ and OJ started to walk upstairs with paper following behind him. "Can I come with?" Paper said, still following him. "Sure, just be mindful of Mephones space.". Paper seemed happy with this, so him and OJ went upstairs.

So I was going to do some art for this one, but I didn't feel like drawing tonight and wanted to do an update, so anyways here's a sloppy doodle and some artwork I did a while ago,.

So I was going to do some art for this one, but I didn't feel like drawing tonight and wanted to do an update, so anyways here's a sloppy doodle and some artwork I did a while ago,

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Opposites attract (a Mephone4 x Orange juice story)Where stories live. Discover now