the blind audtion

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Yn so today I'm going to try out on the voice and I love pharell I'm signing happy I step on the stage

It might seem crazy what I'm bout to say. Sometimes she here you can take a break

Hot air balloon like you go to space

I should probably warn you I'll be just find in the air like I don't care baby bout the way

Cause I'm happy clap along if you know what happiness is to you(pharell turns and blake

Bring me don't do let nothing bring you down cause you are to high to bring you down like that's what you wanna do

Adam and Christina we didn't turn because that's pharell song and they suit you more

Faith thanks

Pharell what is your name

Faith smith I'm from Los Angeles calformnia

Pharell you have a great voice and I would love to work with you

Faith thanks

Blake I might be way over my head but you can win I love you because you're something special

Faith thank you

Pharell I want to get to know who you are and help you tell you're story I wanna help you win

What kind of music do you like to sing

Blake country right

Faith no offense but I hate country music I love rnb and hip hop soul

Pharell and I can help you with that I love you

Faith I love you too

Blake. But we'll do whatever you want to do

Pharell please go in my team I'm on my knees Christina help me

Chrstina he has hits worldwide he's a producer

Adam he can produce ? Your album

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