backs at it

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Pharell comes downstairs faith is cooking
Pharell hey bae
Faith hey
Pharell what you doing
Faith cooking
Pharell in your bra and panties
FAith yeah
Pharell you shouldn't
Faith why
Pharell because you gon get something started
Faith great
Pharell. Do you know what you're doing to me
Faith what
Pharell your turning me on the things imma do to your body
Faith oh really how
Pharell because you are in nothing but your bra and panties
Faith cool
Pharell puts you on top of the kitchen table
Faith wait
Pharell what
Faith not in front of the food smirks
Pharell damm the food I want you now throws the food away
Faith okay
Pharell kisses you and the door bell ring
Faith damm
Pharell always when I'm getting my grove on
Faith looks out the window dam
Pharell what
Faith my parents
Pharell wanna leave
Faith yeah
They sneak out the house
Faith there gon comes out the bathroom in nothing but panties
Pharell really bae
Faith what
Pharell you come out the bathroom in just panties
Faith and
Pharell you gon get
Something started
Faith OK
PHarell puts you on the bed and gets on top of you and kisses you
Knock at the door
Pharell damm
Faith what
Pharell every time we get started someone's always interrupts us
Faith get up
Pharell why
Faith to go get the door looks out the window damm
Pharell what
Faith my parents out their
Pharell oh well you're not getting up
Faith okay
Pharell puts his hand in your underwear
Mom yells I know ya in their
Dad yells get the fuck of each other and answer this door
Ya keep going ya know what

Pharell! Nope

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