the real part 2

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Adam well this is a symbol of my love for you and a plea to be my girlfriend
The car comes
Faith a conveible that's dum
Pharell pulls up
Tamar you betta run
Adam pharell
Pharell Adam shut up so I heard you been hitting on my woman
Adam yeah please don't kill me
Pharel to late pulls out his guun and shoots him but doesn't kill him

At home
Pharell I love you more than this world

Faith I love you too

Pharell slaps your ass

Faith what the fuck bae

Pharell I'm sorry bae but it was in front of me

Faith but did you have to smack it

Pharell yess

Pharell you know I love you And I would kill somebody for you

Faith Aww but did you have to shoot Adam

Pharell yeah because I won't let no other man trie to kiss or touch you ever

Faith Aww you would do that for me

Pharell yeah I love you

Faith I love you too
Pharell kisses you

You know what happened

the voiceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora