the comption

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At the voice

Everybody talks to each other

Adam pharell

Pharell yo

Adam i challenge you to a comption

Pharell I accept but for what

Chrstina for what

Blake you gon lose i got my bet on pharell

Adam for your wife

Pharell you can't be serious

Adam yep

Pharell why must you humlate your self cause you gon lose my wife don't want you

Adam well see you going down

Pharell keep telling your self that so when

Adam Friday 1200 o clock?

Pharell cool

Blake Adam get your ass beat again

Chrstina I can't wait

Faith what challenge

Blake about you

Faith me

Chrstina yeah

Faith what about me

Pharell Adam challenged me to a comption saturday twelve o clock for you

Faith Adam you can't be serious

Adam yeah

Faith why

AdAm because you will be mine

Faith aww that's not going to happen you're not going to win but you're going to humiliate your self in front of everybody I don't want you

Adam it will

Pharell keep telling yourself that

Blake you got a lot of work to do

Chrstina Blake Adam loser ya leave

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