the engagement

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Pharell POV.

Today I'm proposing to faith I love her pray for me

Pharell bae go shopping

Faith okay

Faith and her best friend leave

Pharell give me that ring and put pharalls wifey inside

Cashier here you go 675

Pharell here

Cashier thanks

Later that night

Faith I got home and rose petals were upstairs and candles light the lights were off rose petals on the bed food and pharell in a suit

Pharell hey. Babel

Faith hey what is all this

Pharell you're surprise

Faith. Its beautiful

Ya eat dinner

Faith bae bae you turn around he's on his knees

Pharell bae I love you even though we haven't been together that long but I love you and you love me for me not because. I'm famouse so faith jalica smith will you marry me opens box

Faith crying yess pharell

Pharell puts the gold 10 karate ring with the inside pharalls wifey inside on your finger

Faith I love it its beautiful

Pharell not as beautiful as you Mrs Williams

Faith thank you

Pharall I quite the voice because if I stayed I would of broke it off with you but the begged me to stay so I did

Faith thank you

Pharall you're welcome

Pharall you ready

Faith yes

He strips you and him then he lifts your clots the house filled with moans then he put will am into you and started thrusting more and more you came he licked it up the same with him ya did it in the bathroom the stairs ya went on for 8 more hours

Pharall I love you

Faith love you too

You tried to walk but fell he laughed then helped you up

Ya went to sleep

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